CMD Cheat Sheet

on under windows
4 minute read

Windows CMD Cheat Sheet

CMD is the default command-line interface on Windows systems.

Basic Commands

Here are some basic CMD commands:

  • cd <directory>: Change the current working directory to directory
  • cd ..: Move up one directory level
  • cd\: Move to the root directory
  • dir: List the files and directories in the current directory
  • dir <directory>: List the files and directories in directory
  • md <directory>: Create a new directory directory
  • rd <directory>: Remove directory (if it is empty)

File and directory management

  • copy <source> <destination>: Copy source to destination
  • xcopy <source> <destination>: Copy source and subdirectories to destination
  • move <source> <destination>: Move source to destination
  • del <file>: Delete file

Text manipulation

  • type <file>: Print the contents of file to the terminal
  • find "<string>" <file>: Search for string in file
  • findstr "<string>" <file>: Search for string in file (case-insensitive)
  • sort <file>: Sort the lines of file

Process management

  • taskkill /pid <pid>: Terminate the process with the process ID pid
  • taskkill /im <process>: Terminate all processes with the name process

System information

  • ver: Print the current system version
  • systeminfo: Print system information
  • ipconfig: Print the network configuration


  • ping <host>: Send a ping request to host
  • tracert <host>: Print the route to host
  • nslookup <hostname>: Look up the DNS information for hostname

Users and groups

  • whoami: Print the current user
  • net users: List the users on the system
  • net user <user> <password>: Create a new user user with the password password
  • net group <group>: Display the members of group
  • net localgroup <group>: Display the local groups on the system

Advanced Commands

Here are some advanced CMD commands:

Batch scripts

  • @echo off: Turn off command echoing (commands will not be printed to the terminal)
  • %0: The name of the script
  • %1-%9: The first 9 arguments passed to the script
  • %*: All arguments passed to the script
  • %~dp0: The current directory of the script
  • goto <label>: Jump to the specified label in the script
  • :<label>: Define a label in the script
  • if <condition> <command>: Execute command if condition is true
  • if <condition> (command) else (other command): Execute command if condition is true, otherwise execute other command
  • for <variable> in (<list>) do <command>: Iterate through list, setting variable to the current item and executing command each time
  • for /f "tokens=<n>" %<variable> in (<file>) do <command>: Read file line by line, setting variable to the nth token on each line and executing command each time

Environment variables

  • set <variable>=<value>: Set an environment variable variable to value
  • echo %<variable>%: Print the value of the environment variable variable


  • <command> > <file>: Redirect the output of command to file (overwrite)
  • <command> >> <file>: Redirect the output of command to file (append)
  • <command> 2> <file>: Redirect the error output of command to file (overwrite)
  • <command> 2>> <file>: Redirect the error output of command to file (append)


  • <command1> | <command2>: Pipe the output of command1 as the input of command2


  • doskey <name>=<command>: Set an alias name for the command command
  • doskey /macros: List all aliases


  • doskey /history: List the command history
  • doskey <name> /history: Display the command history for the alias name
  • doskey /reinstall: Clear the command history
windows, cli, cmd
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