Linux Bash Cheat Sheet

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Linux Bash Commands Cheat Sheet

Bash is the default shell on most Linux systems.

Basic Commands

Here are some basic bash commands:

  • cd <directory>: Change the current working directory to directory
  • cd ..: Move up one directory level
  • pwd: Print the current working directory

File and directory management

  • ls: List the files and directories in the current directory
  • ls <directory>: List the files and directories in directory
  • ls -l: List the files and directories in the current directory in long format
  • ls -a: List all files and directories, including hidden ones
  • mkdir <directory>: Create a new directory directory
  • touch <file>: Create a new file file
  • cp <source> <destination>: Copy source to destination
  • mv <source> <destination>: Move source to destination
  • rm <file>: Delete file
  • rmdir <directory>: Delete directory (if it is empty)

Text manipulation

  • cat <file>: Print the contents of file to the terminal
  • head <file>: Print the first 10 lines of file to the terminal
  • tail <file>: Print the last 10 lines of file to the terminal
  • sort <file>: Sort the lines of file
  • grep <pattern> <file>: Print the lines in file that contain pattern

Process management

  • ps: List the running processes
  • top: Display the top running processes
  • kill <pid>: Terminate the process with the process ID pid
  • killall <process>: Terminate all processes with the name process

System information

  • uname: Print the current system information
  • uname -a: Print all system information
  • uptime: Print the current uptime
  • free: Print the memory usage
  • df: Print the disk usage
  • du: Print the directory space usage


  • ping <host>: Send a ping request to host
  • traceroute <host>: Print the route to host
  • host <hostname>: Look up the IP address of hostname
  • nslookup <hostname>: Look up the DNS information for hostname
  • ifconfig: Print the network interface information

Users and groups

  • whoami: Print the current user
  • who: Print the users currently logged in
  • adduser <user>: Add a new user user
  • addgroup <group>: Add a new group group
  • usermod -a -G <group> <user>: Add user to group
  • passwd <user>: Change the password for user

Advanced Commands

Here are some advanced bash commands:

Shell scripts

  • #! /bin/bash: Shebang indicating the path to the bash interpreter
  • $0: The name of the script
  • $1-$9: The first 9 arguments passed to the script
  • $@: All arguments passed to the script
  • $#: The number of arguments passed to the script
  • $?: The exit status of the last command
  • $!: The process ID of the last background command


  • for i in <list>; do <commands>; done: Iterate through list, executing commands each time
  • while <condition>; do <commands>; done: Execute commands while condition is true
  • until <condition>; do <commands>; done: Execute commands until condition is true


  • if <condition>; then <commands>; fi: Execute commands if condition is true
  • if <condition>; then <commands>; else <other commands>; fi: Execute commands if condition is true, otherwise execute other commands


  • function <name> { <commands>; }: Define a function name with the commands commands
  • <name> <arguments>: Call the function name with the arguments arguments


  • <variable>=<value>: Set the value of variable to value
  • $<variable>: Access the value of variable
  • <variable>=$(<command>): Set the value of variable to the output of command


  • <command> > <file>: Redirect the output of command to file (overwrite)
  • <command> >> <file>: Redirect the output of command to file (append)
  • <command> < <file>: Redirect the input of command from file
  • <command> 2> <file>: Redirect the error output of command to file
  • <command> 2>> <file>: Redirect the error output of command to file (append)


  • <command1> | <command2>: Pipe the output of command1 as the input of command2

Background processes

  • <command> &: Run command in the background


  • alias <name>='<command>': Set an alias name for the command command
  • alias: List all aliases

Environment variables

  • export <variable>=<value>: Set an environment variable variable to value
  • echo $<variable>: Print the value of the environment variable variable

Shell options

  • set -o <option>: Enable the shell option option
  • set +o <option>: Disable the shell option option


  • history: List the command history
  • !<number>: Execute the command with the history number number
  • !!: Execute the last command
  • !<string>: Execute the most recent command starting with string
linux, cli, bash
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