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CySA Skeleton Study Notes

on under Certs
22 minute read

cysanotes.txt purpose: jotted down notes to reference and look into based on the ItProTv CySA training course I underwent


theharvester -d -b <bing,google,linkedin>

shodan search: org:

shodan: google dorking terms

STIX structured threats information expression

STIX is json method of sharing CTI

CTI cyber threat intelligence

TAXII trusted automated exchange of intelligence information

TAXII is a rest API to transfer http STIX CTI

SDO STIX Domain Objects are general domains of CTI

SRO TIX Relational Objects relate events and correlation between SROs


openIoC is xml formatted

openIoC editor

MISP malware information sharing project

intelligence management: STAXX, IBM X-Force Exchange

confidence levels

admiralty code

FM 2-22.3 HUMINT manual contains admiralty code table

CIA estimative language

known vs unknown vs known knowns vs unknown unknowns vs known unknowns vs unknown knowns

it’s a 0-day until patch day n+1

portswigger has a 0day blog


intelligence cycle phases

IR’s intelligence requirements

cd /var/log && sudo grep -i “fail” *.log grep “password”


commodity malware vs more advanced targetted malware

ISACs information sharing analysis centers

PSTN-based networks

attack frameworks

cyber kill chain lockheed martin

mitre att&ck matrix for enterprise

mitre att&ck matrix navigator

diamond model of intrusion analysis





talos intelligence reputation center


ioc + behavioral ttp + reputational ttp

modeling per the following

model adversary capability

mitre adversary capabilities

model total attack surface

model attack vectors of cyber, human, physical

model impact

model likelihood



vulnerability management

emerging threats

asset criticality prioritization

nessus essentials version

openvas virtual appliance


baseline gathering

fluke networks, solarwinds, nagios

big 4 baselines, cpu networking memory storage

mod security 3.0


setting up vulnerability feeds on vuln scanners

scoping the vuln scanner

scan types

credentialed vs non-credentialed


remediation inhibitors on legacy vs proprietary vs degraded functionality etc

owasp zed attack proxy free

burpsuite > extender tab > bapp store tab > tons of extensions!

nikto -h -o outfile.htm

arachni (windows app)


enum4linux -a

hydra -L ./userlist.txt -p -f ssh://



static analysis (code review)

above has GIANT list of binary scanners!!!

dynamic analysis

immunity debugger

stress testing

reverse engineering



ida pro if you can hack it

fuzzing types

app ui


file format

dumb and smart fuzzers

burp method: enter AAAA in field, locate request in burp, send to intruder, select field, select payload file (sql injection file), attack, view results


nmap -sn (host scan)

nmap -T4 (faster than default t3)

nmap -n (no dns)

nmap -sS is a default

nmap -sC (script scanning)


hping3 -1 (icmp mode)

hping3 -8 (–scan) known -S


llmnr poisoning

responder -I eth0 -v (now it’s listening for events)


reaver for WPS attacks

aircrack-ng suite

airmon-ng to mon

airodump-ng to cap wpa handshake

aireplay-ng to deauth/speed above

pass the resultant .cap through cap2hccapx

pass the resultant .hccapx into hashcat

cloud assessment stuff

scoutsuite (github)

prowler (github)

pacu (github)

mobile stuff

byod tribbles

lack of encryption controls and remote wipe

legal issues if byod is the compromised device, can’t forensics it

typical android thirdparty sideloaded attacks

same thing on ios

mdm hardware device features

emm more granular software control

uem unified more granular still

vmware airwatch




buffer overflows in hardcoded systems

hard codes creds in hardcoded systems

these are often just web interfaces for control

CANBUS controller area network bus

CANBUS is like an old ethernet hub

gain access to the CAN, you have access to the system

controller systems

ICS industrial control systems

DCS distributed control systems

SCADA supervisory controls and data aquisitions

HMI human machine interface

a lot of these are embedded proprietary interfaces, even though they use standards


these are often just web interfaces for control


embedded os vulnerabilities


little embedded windows 7 devices are open to eternalblue, etc

field-programmable gate arrays!

starbleed bug

CVSS 3.1 metrics

CVSS common vuln scoring system

0 = none

0.1+ = low

4.0+ = medium

5.0+ = medium

6.0+ = medium

7.0+ = high

8.0+ = high

9.0+ = critical

still have to look at likelihoods

CVSS base metrics

AV access vector


(L)ocal (shell)

(A)djacent (same broadcast domain)

(N)etwork (routed)

AC access complexity

(H)igh (A HTB player)

(L)ow (A reader)

PR priviledges required

(H)igh (privesc required)

(L)ow (non priv users)

(N)one (unauthenticated)

UI user interaction




(U)nchanged (cannot spread)

(C)hanged (can spread)

CIA triad





public cloud threats

multi-tenancy resource share issues, vm popping

unencrypted data crossing multiple networks within the datacenter

private cloud threats

expensive enough that they will necessarilly jimp on something

aaaaaalllll support/monitoring goes to owner

private clouds turning into community clouds ie side-channel attacks due to lack of oversight

way less oversight

hybrid cloud threats

aggregation of threats of both public and private cloud infra

IAAA identity authorization authentication accounting

SaaS threats

easy to phish via fake login pages

PaaS containers

container popping

see owasp top 10 webapp for this

fast spin-up equals forgetting to change/harden defaults

permission issues via overlooking

IaaS full servers in datacenter

all infastructure threats via public IP

FaaS function as a service threats

Infrastructure as a Code threats

terraform etc

API threats

API error/debugging enumeration

API key management threat

API key master keys lack of rotation

API security and threats

unprotected cloud storage

xml attacks and mitigation

soap attacks <1.2

sql injection input sanitization

buffer overflow stack, heap, integer based


stack canary



directory traversal


password attacks

password spraying

credential stuffing

impersonation attacks vs phishing


session hijacking/replay

cross site scripting


weak error handling or disclosing too much information

soap vulnerabilities

insecure direct object reference (modifying get request before it’s received)

race conditions

broken authentication

sensitive data exposure

insecure components

insufficient logging monitoring

weak/default configs

insecure functions


asset management

network architecture and segmentation


control plane

data plane

management plane




virtual private clouds within public cloud


serverless function-as-a-service

vlans for segmentation

jump-box to access admin consoles

IAM identity and access management

privilege mangement

DAC discretionary access control

DAC petty file perms/privs

MAC mandatory access controls

MAC role/group-based access

RBAC role based access control

ABAC attribute based access control

ABAC context/attribute based if/then rules



Federation (multi-organizational trusts)

VDI virtual desktop infrastructure

VDI non-persistence, reboot fresh from image each time



docker pulling and running images

docker dockerfiles for orchestration

honeypots and active defense

active defense == trolling

intricately designed aggravations and annoyances to attackers



CASB cloud access security broker

CASB modes forward proxy

CASB modes reverse proxy

CASB is for huge infra and userbase

certificate management

always remove untrusted certs

don’t use self-signed certs, users can’t judge whether to trust a server or not

certs encrypt get/posts to prevent mitm

windows server role certificate management authority

windows cmd certutil

linux openssl

extrapolate public key from private key


ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C user@domain

/etc/ssh/sshd_conf edits

ssh -i /path/to/key user@ip

hardware assurance


HSM hardware security modules



PUF physically uncloneable function


trusted firmware updates

measured boot & attestation

checks hashes to ensure validity of configs

MEK media encryption key

KEK key encryption key (user’s passwd)

AMD SME secure memory encryption

AMD SEV secure encrypted virtualization

Intel TXT trusted execution technology

Intel SGX software guard extension

secure enclave

secure area to store encryption information like crytpo keys

kernel and secure kernel store each other’s pub/priv keys in secure enclaves to decrypt each other’s comms before passing to kernel function

atomic executions

bus encryption

HDCP high definition content protection

software assurance and secure coding


agile method vs waterfall method

input validation

output encoding

session management

parameterized queries

formalized methods to hunt edge case bugs


trend analysis

frequency against time

volume against time

statistical deviation, mean and standard deviation



alerts/detections vs alerts/response times

network metrics and host metrics

measuring user threat awareness

url analysis


http methods

GET resource request

PUT pushes files onto server

POST push resource data

HEAD gives common server info

? == start of query

& == value pairs

== anchor tag

status codes


201 PUT OK

300’s redirect

400’s client-side request invalid

500’s server-side request invalid

useful attacking info

percent encoding after queryID

if ‘ are filtered out, try percent encoding instead

unreserved characters and reserved characters and unsafe characters

can easily encode trings in burp, highlight>url encoding

dns analysis

DGA domain generation algorithm

bulletproof hosting

fast flux

dns analysis logging

look for NX domain errors

mitigation via blacklisting/whitelisting and recursive dns resolvers to fact-check other dns


packet analysis

basically just wireshark following tcp stream, viewing as raw when necessary

components in flow analysis

alerting for !baseline

flow collector probes



netflow format


MRTG multi-router traffic grapher

endpoint behavior analysis

known-good ehavior vs anomolous behavior

UEBA user entity behavior analysis

microsoft ATA advanced threat analytics

splunk user behavior analytics

sysinternals tools

sysinternals procmon

OSSEC is now Wazuk???


EPP endpoint protection platforms

EDR endpoint protection response


malware analysis

they just go on about categories of malware for a while and it’s annoying

dissecting malware

ida free


packer for obfuscating

the reverse engineering is like, so effing basic in this video

log review

always turn on auditing for failure and success


windows firewall does not log by default

logs located in windows\system32\logfiles\firewall\pfirewall.log

WAF logs

OSSEC log drilldown



impact analysis


money/reputation loss


classification frameworks

taxonomy-based classification

impact-based classification

organizational vs localized events

immediate vs total impact

SIEM security incident and event management


Security Onion


rules and queries

pipes and logical operators

data enrichment, adding additional external info/threat feeds to alerts


email analysis

phishing, spearphishing, whaling, etc

BEC business email compromise

BEC legit compromised org email

view message details to see headers

body == payload

possible RCE via email client’s html interpretation

SPF sender policy framework

SPF checks DNS against the sender domain


SPF -ALL == reject it

SPF ~ALL == flag it

SPF +ALL == accept it

DKIM domain keys identified mail

DKIM uses PKI as checks

DKIM private key hashes

DKIM posts public key via DNS

DKIM then can go through PKI process to check mail against priv/pub and pub/priv key pair hashes for validity checks upon receiving the mail

DMARC domain based authentication reporting and conformance

file system permissions

windows file permissions

via admin cmd


icacls flags

icacles –help

linux file permissions

ls -l

drwxrwxrwx owner:group


thus chmod 137 = —x-wxrwx

chmod u+s sticky bits

blacklisting and whitelisting applications

blacklisting, don’t-allow-these lists

whitelisting, only-allow-these lists

execution control

windows methods

SRP software restriction policies

SRP group policy controlled


applocker also via GPO

WDAC windows defender app control

WDAC code integrity policies

linux methods



firewall configurations

multi-homed firewall


top down

left to right

implicit rules vs explicit rules

multicast/loopback traffic refered to as martians

blocking martians

reserved and r&r ranges refered to as bogons

blocking bogons

baseline firewall rules, basically block the hell out of internal traffic that shouldn’t be coming in from WAN, ever

drop vs reject

egress filtering to screw over reverse shells


ttl to firewall +1

firewalk tool

nmap -SA scan

data loss prevention

DLP is a data classification system, generally

office data loss prevention

DLP components

DLP policy server

DLP network agents

DLP endpoint agents

content types

structured data types

unstructured data types

remediations via alert vs block vs quarantine vs tombstone

NAC network access control

NAC filtering, physical port filtering

NAC IEEE 802.1x

PNAC port network access control

supplicant vs authenticator vs auth server

EPOL == EAPOL extensive authentication protocol over local area network

supplicant is the client pc

authenticator is some middleman

auth server is the actual man in charge

supplicant hooks to network

authenticator requests some form of authentication

authenticator passes that on to auth server

comes back down chain

NAC via health status policy checks

Windows Server NAP network access policy under Network Policy Server role

NAP is no longer current in windows server OS

time based controls

location based controls

role based controls


blackholes vs sinkholes

blackholes drop, simply do not process

cisco devices have a null 0 for routing, like /dev/null

sinkholes dump traffic into a drop box for analysis

sinkholing with DNS redirect traffic to

being or an analyzing server add known c2 domains to sinkhole server route malware signatures submit binaries to vendors for malware sampling trend micro and virus total do this, there are others malware classification CARO computer antivirus research organization MAEK malware analysis enumeration and characterization MAEK is STIX compliant malware custom signatures ------------------------------------------------------------>>>uh might be able to create yara rule to parse out php pages for bug hunting ------------------------------------------------------------>>>curl && yara bugrules threat hunting components methodology establish a hypothesis threat modeling APTs that typically attack this industry what are their TTPs and how to they attack lean on SIEM process analysis analyze network traffic marry CTI with internal logs scripting concepts syntax: declaration of binary (#!bin/bash) contents line by line $1 $2 $3 is a positional parameter powershell they just use the ise for a one liner :( python ruby goland wmic AI artificial intelligence can only do what it's programmed to do ML machine learning machine learning is a subset of AI can learn the differentiations it is programmed to learn can modify it's own decision making algorithms DL deep learning deep learning is a subset of machine learning uses neural networks continuous integration and continuous development prevents stupid high level plans for how to attack issues these methodologies have already been figured out agile development, test, staging, production continuous delivery continuous deployment ## DAY ELEVEN incident response communication communication bands may be compromised have an out of bounds, unbreached line of communication only communicate with trusted parties mandatory legal communication GDPR IRP incident response plan IR Playbook response communication c levels IT management regulatory bodies law enforcement HR PR data criticality factors PII PHI SPI Financial Information IP Corporate Information High Value Asset incident response phases preparation identification containment eradication recovery lessons learned preparation: have training and testing preparation have a call escalation list rpeparation have an incident form indentification: event vs incident severity classification severity characteristics containment: containment is isolation eradication: mitigation patching compensating controls hardening defficiencies recovery: re-imaging and validation lessons learned: what did right what did wrong how to improve each after action report update IR plan summary report for c-levels evidence retention for legal purposes integrate the new IOC monitoring IOC indicators of compromise triaging incidents networks, hosts, applications network bandwidth network beaconing outbound network rogue devices network irregular p2p host resource consumption host processes host four horsemen host log sizes host linux pstree host registry entries obfuscated host scheduled tasks application new users application unexpected outputs application unexpected outbound communication application service interruption application gaps in logs ## DAY TWELVE digital forensics phases identification, collection, analysis, reporting identification prevent contamination of the scene ID the scope of the evidence collection use standard tools to collect evidence sleuthkit maintain chain of custody name/date/time/stable container to maintain integrity use repeatable methods and tools create a report things that become legal evidence will be siezed as evidence, be aware digital forensics networks save wireshark pcaps and tcpdumps digital forensics endpoints gather evidence from the endpoint memory crashdumps hibernation file pagefiles volitility tool live acquisition is powered on machine static acquisition is powered down machine static may introduce issues or changes in state for the malware order of volitility take images with a write blocker dd to get identical mobile forensics is it locked or encrypted? may have to use jtag may have to take video of extraction method vendor provided software call data extraction carrier provided logs virtualization forensics some caveats may be able to dump live memory via hypervisor save state files already imaged unsupported filesystems, may be heavily fragmented lost system logs ## DAY THIRTEEN privacy vs security not synonyms, there is a distinction between the two privacy is a subsection of security data governance for guidance and language privacy element is outlined through data governance entities privacy is how we control and oversee PII governance is the mechanism of control via policy GDPR • The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) • The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) • The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) • The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) • The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) if you provide services to clients under an above umbrella, you must align with their policies non-technical data controls data governance and lifecycle of data classification labels and signifies value of different types of created data classification is attached to data to dictate how securely the data should be treated from a security standpoint public data vs classified data interal, official use only, secret, etc confidentiality as preventing access to assets confidentiality is applied according to data classification of course integrity maintains the above data typing for application of controls encryption of data at each lifecycle phase purpose limitation specifies the intended use data minimization data should only be processed and stored to accomplish purposes A B and C data sovereignty aligns data to geographies used in ## DAY FOURTEEN data should have a shelf life retention and retention policies retention standards eDiscovery storage limitation concerns hipa sox etc ownership roles as a security control mechanism roles of ownership data owner is ultimate authority with how data is protected/used within the org understand the logic of defining the role, not the individual senior leaders as typical owner of organizational data data stewards ensure data quality (labels, formats, compression) data custodians handle managing and enforcing data backups etc privacy officer has to do with purpose limitation, PII, PHI, SPI, disclosure, etc, can go to jail from legal standpoint technical control of legal requirements regulatory, statue, frameworks and protection levels determined by geographics and industry, aka data sovereignty always maintain legal counsel for data soveregnty non-disclosure agreements as a non-technical control NDA, SLA, OLA, MOU, ILA, RFP NDA driven by contractual requirement landscape there are secrecy acts dealing with gov types of data by the way SLA stipulate between customer and provider for service coverage, uptime you are buying ISA interconnection security agreement protects legally the protection of assets data sharing and usage agreements for hipa and gdpr binding use of data technical controls the systems we can put into play to secure environment mitigate and minimize risk access controls more often than not software driven ACL access control list ACE access control entries can also be physical in nature, such as doors or rfid locks access control models apply model of least privilege, just enough to do their specific job ACL is a listing of all users ACE is the specific permissions based geographic access requirements if not in this location then no access to that subject requests access to object, what is location of subject and location of object determines access safe harbor now known as privacy shield encryption as applied to technical control system of providing confidentiality and integrity create integrity via hashing encryption has to be constantly assessed vs retention policy, cannot be crackable by end of retention (sha1 crackable 7 years later overlapping complementary controls as defense in depth data at rest and data in transit should both be encrypted data at rest, encrypted data in transit, tls and ssl encryption of session keys in memory ## DAY FIFTEEN de-identification is basically removing PII, PHI, redacting such information so that elements cannot be identified data masking is a possible application of de-identification such as asterisks in password fields or CC numbers data masking should be irreversible in application tokenization replaces data with a token, while the associated data is stored in a separate tokenization server token string replaces the data in production database, so hackers in a db see token, as tokenized data is in other db tokenization is just a sleight of hand where encryption can't be used from hardware or legal standpoint aggregation/banding replaces unique values with a value range, age 21yrs-30yrs instead of age 25yrs re-identification attack is reversal of shitty de-identification technique K value is a value that represents how many individuals, where k-5 means 5 individuals within DRM digital rights management IRM individual rights management ERM enterprise risk management NIST SP-800-39 frame - high level context for kinds of risks being addressed and highest values acceptable, like a warning order assess - identify risks associated with this individual risk respond - mitigate each risk factor monitor - evaluate effectiveness systems assessment process people tangible assets intangible assets procedures MEF mission essential function PBF primary business function calculating and analyzing risk • Probability is the chance of a threat being realized • Magnitude is the impact of a successful exploit or a risk event NOTE: Magnitude may be determined by factors such as the value of the asset or the cost of disruption if the asset is compromised. Probability * Magnitude = Risk therefore (decimal percentage * dollar value = risk) 100% probability that Chastain's $500 server dies and costs $1200 t&m = (1*$1700=$1700risk) quantitative, qualitative, and semi-quantitative: Quantitative Risk Calculation - A quantitative assessment of risk attempts to assign concrete values to the elements of risk. Probability is expressed as a percentage and magnitude as a cost (monetary) value, as in the following formula: AV (Asset Value) x EF (Exposure Factor) = SLE (Single Loss Expectancy) EF is the percentage of the asset's value that would be lost. The single loss expectancy (SLE) value is the financial loss that is expected from a specific adverse event. For example, if the asset value is $50,000 and EF is 5%, the SLE calculation is as follows: $50,000 * .05 = $2,500 If you know or can estimate how many times this loss is likely to occur in a year, you can calculate the risk cost on an annual basis: SLE (Single Loss Expectancy) x ARO (Annual Rate of Occurrence) = ALE (Annual Loss Expectancy) Chastain's dead server costs $1700 every 3mo ($1700*4=SLE of $6800) NOTE: The problem with quantitative risk assessment is that the process of determining and assigning these values can be complex and time consuming. Qualitative analysis is generally scenario-based. The qualitative approach seeks out people's opinions of which risk factors are significant. Qualitative analysis uses simple labels and categories to measure the likelihood and impact of risk. For example, impact ratings can be severe/high, moderate/medium, or low; and likelihood ratings can be likely, unlikely, or rare. Semi-Quantitative Risk Calculation - A semi-quantitative analysis method exists because it is impossible for a purely quantitative risk assessment to exist given that some issues defy numbers. A semi-quantitative analysis attempts to find a middle ground between the risk analysis types to create a hybrid method. analyzing risk BIA business impact analysis assesses potential losses for a threat scenario MDT maximum tolerable downtime longest that an outage can occure before irrecoverable business failure RTO recovery time objective is amount of time it takes for service restore WRT work recovery time is the time it takes to move from service restoration to completed validation testing and debrief RPO recovery point objective is the amount of data loss a system can sustain, measured in time ## DAY SIXTEEN Done
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