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CEH v10 Study Notes Dump

on under Certs
97 minute read

CEH Certification Notes

[note #1: look, these module numbers are like, not exactly correct, but the content is correct.


Table of Contents

Module 1: Introduction to Ethical Hacking

Module 2: Footprinting and Reconnaissance

Module 3: Scanning Networks

Module 4: Enumeration

module 5: vulnerability assessment

Module 6: System Hacking

Module 7: Malware Threats

Module 8: Sniffing

Module 9: Social Engineering

Module 10: Denial of Service

Module 11: Session Hijacking

Module 12: Hacking Web Servers

Module 13: Hacking Web Applications

Module 14: SQL Injection

Module 15: Hacking Wireless Networks

Module 16: Hacking Mobile Platforms

Module 17: Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots

Module 18: Cloud Computing

Module 19: Cryptography

Post Module: Extra Resources


Module 1: Introduction to Ethical Hacking


Information Security Overview


A scotoma is a blind spot in your vision.

The spot may be in the center, or it may be around the edges of your vision.

Rather than a

dark spot in your vision, you may have a spot of flickering light near the center of your vision that may drift around the eye, or

create arcs of light.

Hack Value: Notion among hackers that something is worth doing or is interesting.

Vulnerability: Existence of a weakness, design, or implementation error that can lead to an expected event compromising the security

of the system.

Exploit: A breach of IT system security through vulnerabilities.

Payload: Part of an exploit code that performs the intended malicious action, such as destroyinf, creating backdoors, and hijacking


Zero-Day Attack: An attack that exploits computer application vulnerabilities before the software developer releases a patch for the


Daisy Chaining: It involves gaining access to one network and/or computer and then using the same info to gain access to multiple

networks and computers that contains desirable info.

Doxing: Publishing personally identifiable information about an individual collected from publicly available databases and social


Bot: software app that can be controlled remotely to execute or automate pre-defined tasks

Elements of Information Security

Confidentiality==Encryption: Assurance that the information is accessible only to those authorized to have access.

crypto (symmetric): requires a key which unlocks the information within

crypto (assymetric): requires pairs of keys which together unlocks the data within.

(public/private keys)

Integrity==Hash: Trustworthiness of data or resource in terms of preventing improper and unauthorized changes.

hash: a one-way non-reversible function which keeps the integrity of a file.

Availability==Clustering/LoadBalancing/RAID: Assurance that systems responsible for delivering, storing, and processing information

are accessible when required by

the authorized users.

Clustering: Bunching multiples of machines together for redundancy



Authenticity==Signature: Authenticity refers to the characteristics of a communication, document, or any data that ensures the quality

of being genuine.

Non-Repudiation: Sender of a message cannot later deny having sent the message

Identification: individual holds a valid identity (individual username)

Authentication: indentity of an individual (password, pin, etc)

Authorization: controlling the access (read/write/execute)

Accounting: keep track of user actions on the network (who/what/when/where)

Data Leakage: unauthorized disclosure of sensitive or confidential data

Data Backups: Mirror, Incremental (chunks), Differential (cumulative)

Data Recovery: Deleted?



Information Security Threats and Attack Vectors

Cloud computing: is an on-demand delivery of IT capabilities, and stores data.

Must be secure

Advanced Persistent Threats: APT focus on stealing info from victim machine w/o user aware

Viruses and Worms: Capable of infecting a network within seconds

Mobile Threats: Many attackers see mobile phone as a way to gain access

Botnet: huge network of compromised systems

Insider Attack: an attack performed on a corporate network by an entrusted person w/ access

Hacker Types

Black hats==Offense: individuals with EXTRAORDINARY COMPUTING SKILLS, resorting to malicious or destructive activities, aslo known as


White hats==Defense: Individuals professing hacker skills and using them for defensive purposes

Gray hats: Individuals who work both offense and defense at various times

Suicide Hackers: Individuals who aim to bring down critical infrastructure for a cause and are not worried about jail terms

Script Kiddies: Unskilled hackers who compromise systems by running scripts, tools, and software developed by REAL HACKERS


Threat categories: Network Threats, Host Threats, App Threats

Types of Attacks: OS Attacks, Mis-Config attacks, App Level Attacks, Shrink Wrap Code Attacks

Hacking Concepts, Types, and Phases

Hacking: Exploiting system vulnerabilities and compromising security

Five Phases of Hacking: Reconnaissance, Scanning, Gaining Access, Maintaining Access, Clearing Tracks


Reconnaissance: Preparation phase when an attacker seeks to gather information.

Does not directly interact with the system, and

relies on social engineering and public info


Scanning: Identify specific vulnerabilities (in-depth probing).

Using Port scanners to detect listening ports (companies should shut

down ports that are not required)


Gaining Access: Using vulnerabilities identified during reconnaissance [DoS, Logic/Time Exploit, reconfiguring/crashing system]


Maintaining Access: Keeping a low profile, keeping system as a launch pad, etc.


Clearing Tracks: Hiding malicious acts while continuing to have access, avoiding suspicion

Ethical Hacking Concepts and Scope

Ethical Hacking: Using tools and techniques to identify vulnerabilities w/ permission

Scope==ShowScotoma: Ethical hacking is a cruicial component of risk assessment, auditing, counter fraud, and best practices.

It is used

to identify risks and highlight the remedial actions.

Limitations: Can be useful unless used to better understand their security system, but is up to the organization to place the right

guards on the network.

Unless the business first knows what it is that they are looking for and why they are hiring an outside

vendor to hack systems in the first place, chances are there is not much to be gained from the experience.

Information Security Controls

Information Assurance: Assurance for integrity, availability,confidentiality, and authenticity of info

Threat Modeling: Risk Assessment approach for analyzing security.

1) Identify Security Objectives 2) Application overview 3)

Decompose Application 4) Identify Threats 5) Identify Vulnerabilities

Network Security Zoning (High to Low): Internet Zone - Internet DMZ - Production Network Zone - Intranet Zone - Management Network Zone

Security Policies are the foundation of security infrastructure

Info security policy defines basic requirements and rules to be implemented in order to protect and secure organizations information


Acceptable-Use Policy: defines acceptable use of company resources

Remote-Access Policy: Defines who can have remote access, defines access medium and remote access security controls

Defense-in-Depth: Security strategy in which several protection layers are placed throughout an information system.

It helps to

prevent direct attacks against an information system because a break in one layer only leads the attacker to the next layer.


Risk is the degree of uncertainty or expectation that an adverse event may cause damage to the system

Risks are categorized into different levels according to their estimated impact on the system

A risk matrix is used to scale risk by considerint the probability, likelihood, and consequnce/impact of the risk

High: immediate measures should be taken/controls imposed to reduce risk to reasonably low levels

Medium: immediate action not required but should implement quickly

Low: take preventative steps to mitigate effects of the risk

Incident Management: a set of defined processes to ientify, analyze, prioritize, resolve security incidents

vulnerability handling, artifact handling, announcements, alerts

Incident Handling: triage, report and detection, incident response, analysis

User Behavioral Analysis(UBA)

Access Control

Subject: a particular user or process which wants access to the resource

Object: the specific resource that the subject wants to access on any hardware device

Reference Monitor: checks the access control rule for specific restrictions

Operation: represents the action taken by the subject on the object

Discretionary Access Control: to protect the information/level of sharing/restricted to users & groups

Mandatory Access Control: to decide who can access the information/does not permit passof privileges

Role-Based Access Control: access to systems, files, fields on a one-by-one basis/can simplify assignment of privileges

4 types of security policies

Promiscuous Policy

Permissive Policy

Prudent Policy

Paranoid Policy

Acceptable-Use Policy

Remote-Access Policy

Physical Security Controls


Detective Controls

Deterrent Controls

Recvery Controls

Compensating Controls

Types of Vulnerability Assessments:

Active Assessments: touches source

Passive Assessments: does not touch

Host-Based assessment: assesses a host system

Internal Assessment: assesses internal resources

External Assessment: assesses external side network

Application Assessments

Network Assessments

Wireless Network Assessments

Methodology of Assessment:






Security Audit: just checks whether the org is following a set of standard security policies and procedures

Vulnerability Assessment: focuses on discovering the vulnerabilities in the information system

Penetration Testing: encompasses the security audit and vulnerability assessment and demonstrates if the vulnerabilities in the system

can be exploited by attackers

Penetration Testing: Simulating an attack to find out vulnerabilities

Blue Team: Detect and Mitigate

Red Team: Attack w/ limited access w/ or w/o warning

White Team: Management

Types of Pen Test:

black-box (no prior knowledge)

white-box (complete knowledge)

grey-box (limited knowledge)

Lots of open source security testing methodologies (OWASP, NIST , etc)

owasp: assist the org to purchase, develop, maintain software tools

osstmm: peer evaluated method of high quality security tests

issaf: research, develop, publish, promote complete generally accepted info systems security assessment framework (lesser form osstmm)

ec-council LPT methodology: industry accepted comprehensive info syst sec auditing framework

Information Security Laws & Standards

Payment card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) - Payment Systems

Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) - Protect investors and public by increasing reliability of corporate disclosures (provide accurate info)

HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (ET&CSS must use the SAME health care transactions, code sets, identifiers)

DMCA: Digital millennium copyright act

FISMA: federal information security management act


Module 2: Footprinting and Reconnaissance



Footprinting Concepts

Footprinting Methodology

Footprinting Tools

Footprinting Countermeasures

Footprinting Penetration Testing

Footprinting Concepts

Interaction(Passive   Active)

Footprinting is process of collecting as much information as possible about a target network

Footprinting Threats: social engineering, system and network attacks, information leakage, privacy loss, corporate espionage,

business loss

Footprinting Objectives

know security posture

reduce focus area

identify vulnerabilities

draw network map

Footprinting Methodology

Footprinting through search engines

Google, Netcraft (restricted URL’s, Determine OS), SHODAN Search Engine,GMAPS, Google Finance, etc

netcraft to check OS

shodan for iot

censys to check hosts

Footprinting using advanced Google Hacking Techniques

Using technique to locate specific strings of text within search results using an advanced operator in the search engine (finding

vulnerable targets), Google Operators to locate specific strings of text, GHDB


name @target.


“internal use only” site:mil filetype:doc

intitle: site: filetype: inurl:


json: “password”

got a 403 forbidden?

paste the whole url path into “site:”

Footprinting through social networking sites

Fake identifies of co-workers, finding personal info, tracking their groups, etc, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc

Website Footprinting

Looking at system information from websites,

personal information,

examining HTML source comments,

Web Spiders, archive.


mirroring sites etc

Email Footprinting

Can get recipient’s IP address, Geolocation, Email Received and Read, Read Duration, Proxy Detection, Links, OS and Browser info,

Forward Email



Competitive Intelligence

Competitive Intelligence gathering is the process of identifying, gathering, analyzing, and verifying, and using the information

about your competitors from sources such as the internet.

Monitoring web traffic etc.

Non-interfering and subtle in nature

This method is totally legal dude

WHOIS Footprinting

WHOIS databases are maintained by regional internet registries and contain PI of domain owners

The African Network Information Center (AFRINIC)

The American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

The Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC)

The Latin America and Caribbean Network Information Centre (LACNIC)

The Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)

DNS Footprinting

Attacker can gather DNS information to determine key hosts in the network

record types:

A (Host address)

AAAA (IPv6 host address)

ALIAS (Auto resolved alias)

CNAME (Canonical name for an alias to host)

MX (Mail eXchange)

NS (Name Server)

PTR (Pointer maps IP address to a hostname)

SOA (Start Of Authority for domain)

SRV (location of service)

TXT (Descriptive text)

RP (responsible person)

HINFO (host info record includes CPU type and OS)

nslookup -type=all ls -d domainname.


(ls -d for zone transfer)

dig -axfr domainname.

com @xfrout1.



Network Footprinting

Network range information assists attackers to create a map of the target network

Find the range of IP addresses using ARIN whois database search

Traceroute programs work on the concept of ICMP protocol and use the TTL field in the header of ICMP packets to discover on the path

to a target host



Footprinting through Social Engineering

Art in exploiting human behaviour to extract confidential information

Social engineers depend on the fact that people are unaware, don’t read, and are willfully ignorant


shoulder surfing

dumpster diving

Footprinting Tools

Maltego, Recon-NG (Web Reconnaissance Framework)

Footprinting Countermeasures

Restrict the employees to access social networking sites

Configure web servers to avoid information leakage

Educate employees to use pseudonyms

Limit the amount of information that you are publishing

Use footprinting techniques to discover and remove sensitive information

Use SPLIT DNS to restrict zone transfer

Use anonymous registration services

Enforce security policies

Footprinting penetration testing

Footprinting pen testing is used to determine organization’s public available information

Tester attempts to gather as much information as possible from the internet and other publicly accessible sources

Define scope and then use footprint search engines

Report Templates


Module 3: Scanning Networks


Overview of Network Scanning

Understanding different techniques to check for live systems

Understanding different techniques to check for open ports

Understanding various scanning techniques

Understanding various IDS evasion techniques

Understanding banner grabbing

Overview of vulnerability scanning

Drawing Network Diagrams

Using proxies and anonymizers for attack

Understanding IP spoofing and various detection techniques

Overview of Scanning Pen Testing

Overview of Network Scanning

Network scanning refers to a set of procedures for identifying hosts, ports, and services in a network

Network scanning is one of the components of intelligence gathering and attacker uses to create a profile of the target organization

Types of scanning

Port scanning (list the open ports and services)

Network Scanning (lists IP addresses)

Vulnerability Scanning (shows presence of known weaknesses)

TCP communication Flags (controls transmission of data)

URG(urgent): Data contained in packet should be processed immediately

PSH(push): Sends all buffered data immediately

FIN(Finish): There will be no more transmissions

ACK(Acknowledgement): Acknowledges receipts of a packet

RST(Reset): Resets a connection

SYN(Synchronization): Initiates a connection between hosts

CEH Scanning Methodology

Check for live systems

ICMP Scanning: Ping scans involves ICMP ECHO requests to a host.

If the host is live, it will return an ICMP ECHO reply

Useful for locating active devices and if ICMP is passing through firewall

Ping sweep is used to determine the live hosts from a range of IP addresses

nmap 192.



nmap 192.




nmap -p 1-65535

nmap -sn skip port scan

nmap -sS tcp syn

nmap -sA tcp ack - detect stateful firewall

nmap -sF tcp fin

nmap -sX xmas scan FUP(FinUrgPsh) [!

SYN is ignored by open ports, closed ports respond w/RST]

nmap -sT tcp connect (most reliable)

nmap -sU udp (icmp error comes back if port closed)

nmap -T0-5 urgency rating, slow to insane == 0 to 5

nmap -F fastscan(100ports)

nmap -oX output to xml

nmap -O os guess

nmap -sV service vers guess

nmap -sI idle scan

nmap -v verbose

nmap -iL /temp/scan.

txt importLIST

nmap -A detailed scan, services/versions/OS

Attackers calculate subnet masks using Subnet Mask Calculators

Attackers then use the Ping Sweep to create an inventory of live systems in the subnet

Check for Open Ports

Simple Service Discovery protocol (SSDP) works in conjunction with UPnP to detect plug and play devices on a networks

Vulnerabilities in UPnP may allow attackers to launch Buffer overflow or DoS attacks

Scanning IPv6 networks are computationally less feasible due to larger search space (128 bits)

Network admins can use Nmap for network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, and monitoring host or service uptime

Attacker uses Nmap to extract info such as live hosts on the network, services, type of packet filters/firewalls, operating systems

and OS versions

Hping2/Hping3: command line network scanning and packet crafting tools for the TCP/IP protocol

hping3 -1 icmp ping


hping3 -FUP xmas scan (FinUrgPsh) [!

SYN is ignored by open ports, closed ports respond w/RST]

hping3 -s –flood –rand-src syn flood

spoofed ip==odd TTL values

It can be used for network security auditing , firewall testing

TCP connect scan detects when a port is open by completing the three-way handshake

TCP connect scan establishes a full connection and tears it down sending a RST packet

It does not require superuser privileges

Attackers send TCP probe packets with a TCP flags (FIN,URG,PSH) set or with no flags.

No responses means port is open, RST means the

port is closed

In Xmas scan, attackers send a TCP frame to a remote device with FIN, URG, and PUSH flags set,


SYN is ignored by open ports, closed ports respond w/RST]

Won’t work against any current version of Microsoft Windows

Attackers can an ACK probe packet with random sequence number, no responses means the port is filtered (stateful firewall is present)

and RST response means the port is not filtered

A port is considered open if an application is listening on the port

Most web servers are on port 80 and mail servers on 25

One way to determine whether a port is open is to send a “SYN” (session establishment) packet to the port

The target machine will then send back a SYN ACK packet is the port is open, and a RST (reset) packet if the port is closed


Attack a zombie computer.

A zombie machine is one that assigns IPID packets incrementally.

Can retrieve IPID number for IP address spoofing

UDP Scanning: When UDP port is open —There is not three-way TCP handshake for UDP scan.

System does not respond with a me.


system does not respond with a message when the port is open.

When UDP port is closed – the system responds with ICMP port

unreachable message.

Spywares, Trojan Horses, and other apps use UDP ports

There are port scanners for mobile as well

Port scanning counter measures

Configure firewall, IDS rules to detect/block probes

Run port scanning tools against hosts to determine firewall properly detects port scanning activity

Ensure mechanism used for routing and filtering at the routers and firewalls respectively cannot be bypassed

Ensure sure the router, IDS, and firewall firmware are updated

Use custom rule set to lock down the network and block unwanted ports

Filter all ICMP message at the firewalls and routers

Perform TCP and UDP scanning

Ensure that anti scanning and anti spoofing rules are configured

Scanning Beyond IDS

Evasion techniques: fragmented IP packets, spoofing IP address, source routing, connect to proxy servers

Lower the frequency of packets, split into parts

Banner Grabbing

An attacker uses banner grabbing techniques to identify network hosts running versions of applications and OSs with known exploits.

Banner grabbing or OS fingerprinting is the method to determine the operating system running on a remote target system.

There are two


Active Banner Grabbing: specifically crafted packets are sent to remote OS and responses are noted, then compared with a database to

determine OS.

telnet :80

head /1.


Passive Banner Grabbing: Sniffing the network traffic.

Banner grabbing from error message, and banner grabbing from page extensions


Identifying OS’s allow an attack to figure out the vulnerabilities running on a remote target system

An attacker uses banner grabbing to identify the OS used on the target host and thus determine the system vulnerabilities

Tools like Netcat reads and writes data across network connections

Countermeasures for banner grabbing

Display False Banners

Turn off unnecessary services

Use ServerMask

Hiding file extensions from web pages

Scan for Vulnerability

Vulnerability scanning identifies vulnerabilities and weaknesses of a system

Nessus is the vulnerability and configuration assessment product

Draw Network Diagrams

A network diagrams helps in analyzing complete network topology.

Drawing target’s network diagram shows logical or physical path to a potential target.

Shows network and its architecture to attacker

Prepare Proxies

Proxy servers serves as an intermediary for connecting with other computers

Hides the source IP

Chain multiple proxies to avoid detection

Many hackers use proxies to hide his/her identity so they cannot be traced.

Logs record proxy’s address rather than the attacker’s

Burp suite includes an intercepting proxy, which lets you inspect and modify traffic between your browser and target app.


Anonymizers removes all identifying information from a user’s computer while user surfs internet

Tails is a live operating system, that user can start on any computer from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card

Can use HPING2 to IPSpoof

IP spoofing counter measures

Encrypt all network traffic

Use multiple firewalls

Do not rely on IP-based authentication

Use random initial sequence number

Ingress filtering: use routers and firewalls at network perimeter to filter incoming packets that appear to come from an internal IP


Egress filtering: Filter all outgoing packets with an invalid local IP address as source address

Scanning Pen Testing

Pen testing a network determines the network’s security posture by identifying live systems, discovering open ports, associating

services and grabbing system banners to simulate a network hacking attempt

Here’s how to conduct a pen-test of a target network

Host Discovery: detect live hosts on the target network.

It is difficult to detect live hosts behind a firewall (Nmap,

Angry IP scanner, colasoft)

Port Scanning: Check for open ports (Nmap, Netscan)

Banner Grabbing or OS fingerprinting: determine the OS running on the target host

Scan the network for vulnerabilities (nessus)

Draw Network Diagrams that help you understand the logical connection

Prepare Proxies: Hides yourself from detection

Document all findings


Module 4: Enumeration


Module Objectives

Understanding Enumeration Concepts

Understanding different techniques for NetBIOS enumeration

Understanding Different Techniques for SNMP enumeration

Understanding different techniques for LDAP enumeration

Understanding different techniques for NTP enumeration

Understanding different techniques for SMTP and DNS Enumeration

Enumeration countermeasures

Overview of enumeration pen testing

Enumeration Concepts

In the enumeration phase, attacker creates active connections to system and performs directed queries to gain more information.

Uses this information to identify system attack points and perform password attacks

Conducted in an intRAnet environment

Techniques for Enumeration

Extract user names using email IDs

Extract user names using SNMP

Extract user groups from windows

Extract information using the default passwords

Brute force active directions

Extract information using DNS Zone Transfer

Popular Ports to Enumerate

20 ftp(1)

21 ftp(2)

22 ssh,scp,sftp

23 telnet

49 tacacs+

67 dhcp(1)

68 dhcp(2)

69 tftp

80 http

88 kerberos

110 pop3 receive emails

123 ntp

137 netbios(1)

138 netbios(2)

139 netbios(3)

143 imap

161 snmp

389 ldap

443 https, ssl/tls

445 smb file print shares and NULL SESSIONS

500 ipsec

514 syslog

636 ldaps

989 ftps(1)

990 ftps(2)

993 imaps

995 pop3s

1433 sql

1434 sql

1701 l2tp

1723 pptp

1812 radius

1813 radius auth

3389 rdp

5060 sip

5061 sip

9100 jetdirect obvious printer

NetBIOS Enumeration (137,138,139)

NetBIOS name is a unique 16 ASCII string used to identify the network devices (15 of it are device name, 16 is reserved for service

or name record type)

Nbtstat utility displays NetBIOS over TCP/IP protocol statistics, NetBIOS name tables/cache

nbtstat -c

nbtstat -a

Net View utility is used to obtain a list of all the shared resources of remote hosts or workgroup

net view \

net view /workgroups:domain

can use hyena, netscanpro, superscan, netbios enumerator(sourceforge), pstools

SNMP Enumeration (simple network Management protocol enumeration)

SNMP enumeration is a process of enumerating user accounts and devices on a target system using SNMP

SNMP contains a manager and agent.

Agends are embedded on every network, manager installed on a seperate computer

SNMP has two passwords

Attacker uses default community strings to extract info

Uses it to extract information about network resources such as hosts, routers, devices, shares

Management Information Base (MIB)

MIB is a virtual database containing formal description of all the network objects managed using SNMP

snmp enumerator for kali

kali# .

/snmpcheck -t

look@lan for windows

LDAP Enumeration

hierarchical structure, kangs pyramids, can access AD via LDAP and view group perms

LDAP is an internet protocol for accessing distributed directory services

Attacker queries LDAP service to gather information such as valid user names, addresses, departmental details, etc

Attacker then calls help desk and tricks them into gaining a temp password for login with valid enumerated username

NTP Enumeration

Network Time Protocol (NTP) is designed to synchronize clocks of networked computers

Uses UDP port 123

Can use it to find important information on a network

query ntp server to list all conencted hosts

enumerate with Nmap, Wireshark, and others

SMTP and DNS Enumeration

SMTP has 3 built-in commands

VRFY - Validates users

EXPN - Tells actual delivery addresses of aliasses and mailing lists

RCPT TO - Defines the recipients of the message

SMTP servers respond differently to these commands

attackers can relay mail from your SMTP server to freely send smap mail to others

Attackers can directly interact with SMTP via the telnet prompt and collect a list of valid users on the SMTP Server

enumerate with netscantools, smtp-user-enumarater



set type=any

ls -d domain.


#dig domain.

com axfr

NULL session

ports 139 and 445

net use \ip\ipc$ “” /user:””

Enumeration Countermeasures

SNMP countermeasures

Remove SNMP agent on turn off the SNMP service (block 161)

Change default community string name

Upgrade to SNMP3, which encrypts passwords/messages

Implement additional security option called “additional restrictions for anonymous connections”

Ensure that the access to null session pipes, null session shares, and IPsec filtering are restricted

DNS countermeasures

Disable DNS zone transfers to the untrusted hosts

Make sure private hosts and their IP addresses are not published into DNS zone files of public DNS server

Use premium DNS registration services to hide sensitive information

Use standard network admin contacts for dns registrations in order to avoid social engineering attacks

SMTP countermeasures

Ignore email messages to unknown recipients

Disable open relay features

Do not include sensitive mail server and local host information in mail responses

Limit number of accepted connections to prevent brute force

LDAP countermeasures

Restrict access to active directory by using software such as citrix

Enable account lockout

Use SSL technology for LDAP traffic

force tls with SMTP (starttls option)

enable account lockouts

NULL session countermeasures

use netbios

use smb signing

disable smb on web/dns servers

disable 139 & 445


Enumeration Pen Testing

Used to identify valid user accounts or poorly protected resource shares

Information can be users and groups, network resources

Used in combination with data collected in reconnaissance phase

Steps in Enumeration Pen Testing

Find the network range

Calculate the subnet mask

Undergo host discovery

Perform port scanning

Perform NetBIOS enumeration

Perform SNMP enumeration

Perform LDAP enumeration

Perform NTP enumeration

Perform SMTP enumeration

Perform DNS enumeration

Document all findings

Remember OneSixtyOne application, used for scanning SNMP port 161


Vulnerability analysis

CVSS score, high is bad (high vuln) low is good (low vuln), Common Vuln Scoring System

severity ratings of low, medium, high (CVSS)

exploit range of local and remote

CVE common vuln and exposure

vulnerability assessment

examination of the ability of a system or application to withstand assault

recognized, measures, classifies security vulnerability in computer system network and communication channels

types of assessment tools

host based assessment

OS running on particular host pc

depth assessment

find prev unknown vulns

application layer assessment

web servers or databases

scope assessment

provide security for system

active/passive assessment

consume resources on network

observe system data, perform data processing

location/data examined assessment

network-based scanner, agent-based scanner, proxy scanner, cluster scanner

choosing vuln assess tool

choose based on budget, experience, type needed

look through sectools.






MBSA microsoft baseline security analyzer



openVAS opensource nessus

specific focus vuln scanners

n-stalker webapp

acunetix webapp

samurai webapp

core impact pro




Go search for found services at packetstormsecurity.


and exploit-db of course


Module 5: System Hacking


Module Objectives

Overview of CEH hacking Methodology

Understanding Techniques to gain access to the system

Understanding privilege escalation techniques

Understanding Techniques to create and maintain remote access to the system

Overview of different types of rootkits

Overview of steganography and steganalysis techniques

Understanding Techniques to hide the evidence on compromise

Overview of system hacking penetration testing

System hacking is one of the most important and sometimes ultimate goal of an attacker.

Information at hand before system hacking stage

Footprinting: IP range, Namespace, Employees

Scanning module: target assessment, identified systems, identified services

Enumeration: Intrusive probing, user lists, security flaws

vulnerability analysis: examination of the ability of a system or application to withstand assault

System Hacking Goals:

Gaining Access - password cracking, social engineering

Escalating Privileges (get other passwords) - exploiting known system vulnerabilities

Executing Applications (backdoors) - Trojans, Spywares, Backdoors, Keyloggers

Hiding Files - Rootkits, Steganography

Covering Tracks - Clearing logs

Cracking Passwords

Password cracking techniques are used to recover passwords from computer systems

Attackers use password cracking techniques to gain unauthorized access

Most cracks are successful due to guessable passwords

Types of password attacks

Non-electronic attacks: Attacker does not need technical knowledge to crack password

(shoulder surfing, social engineering, dumpster diving)

Active Online Attacks: Attacker performs cracking by directly communicating with the victim machine

(dictionary, brute force, rule based, hash injection, llmnr/nbt-ns poisoning, trojan/spyware/keyloggers, password guessing)

live-boot system into Ophcrack to crack NTLM hashes with rainbow tables (http://ophcrack.



Passive Online Attacks: Performs cracking without communicating with party

(wire sniffing, mitm, replay attack)

Offline Attack: attacker copies password file and tried to crack it

(rainbow table attack, distributed network attack)

distributed network attack==beowulf cluster type situation

Default passwords are set by the manufacturer

Trojans can collect usernames and passwords and send to attacker, run in background

Can use USB drive for a physical approach

Hash Injection Attack: attacker injects compromised hash into local session then use it to validate network resource.

Finds and

extracts a logged on domain admin account hash

Passive Online Attack: Wire Sniffing

Packet Sniffer tools on LAN

Capture data may include sensitive information such as passwords

Sniffed credentials are used to gain unauthorized access

Rainbow table attack

Precomputed table which contains word lists like dictionary files, brute force lists, and their hash values

Compare the hashes

Easy to recover passwords by comparing captured password hashes to precomputed tables

there’s a 32GB LM Rainbow table at project-rainbowcrack.



rtgen generates rainbow tables (takes a long time of course)

Distributed Network Attack (DNA)

A DNA technique is used for recovering passwords from hashes or password protected files using the unused processing power of machines

across the network to decrypt passwords

Microsoft Authentication

Windows stores passwords in the Security Accounts Manager (SAM) Database, or in the Active Directory database in domains.

They are


NTLM Authentication

NTLM authentication protocol types

LM authentication protocol

these are known as lanmanager hashes, always are Username:SID:LMhash+nullvalues(alluppercase&fillervalues):NTLMhash:::




These protocols stores user’s password in the SAM database using different hashing methods

SAM protected with 128bit encryption, additionally protected with 128bit syskey encryption

SAM file path==C:\Windows\System32\Config\SAM

Kerberos Authentication

Microsoft has upgraded its default authentication protocol

defeating password cracking

password salt with random strings of characters are added to the password before calculating their hases

Advantage: salting makes it more difficult to reverse hashes

don’t use defaults

do security audits

do not share passwords

do not use dictionary words

set password policy to 30 days

avoid storing in unsecured locations

Use password crackers like L0phtCrack, Cain&Abel, RainbowCrack, Windows Password Recovery Tool, Windows Password Key to test

Enable SYSKEY with strong password to encrypt and protect the SAM database

Escalating Privileges

An attacker can gain access to the network using a non-admin user account, next step is to gain admin privileges

take advantage of design flaws, programming errors, bugs, configuration oversights to elevate to admin rights

vertical priv refers to gaining privs higher than current

Privilege Escalation Using DLL Hijacking

If attackers place a malicious DLL in the application directory, it will be executed in place of the real DLL

Resetting passwords using command prompt

An admin can reset passwords while an administrator

Countermeasures: restrict interactive login privileges, use least privilege policy, implement multi-factor, run services as

unprivileged accounts, patch systems regularly, use encryption technique, reduce amount of code, perform debugging

Executing Applications

metasploit antivirus evasion==msfencode

metasploit antivirus evasion==msfencode

metasploit antivirus evasion==msfencode

Attackers execute malicious programs remotely in the victim’s machine to gather information





Software like RemoteExec can remotely install software, execute programs/scripts

There are hardware and software keystroke loggers (USB vs App)


Records user’s interaction

Hides its process

Hidden component of freeware program

Gather info about victim or organization

GPS spyware also exists




Countermeasures for Keyloggers

Pop-up blocker


Firewall software

Anti-keylogging software

Recognize phishing emails and delete

Choose new passwords for different online accounts

Avoid opening junk emails

There are Anti-keyloggers out there


Rootkits are programs that hide their presence and an attacker’s malicious activities, granting them full access to the server or

host at the time or in future

Typical Rootkit has backdoor programs, DDos programs, packet sniffers, log-wiping utilities, IRC bots, etc

6 Types of Rootkits

Hypervisor Level Rootkit: Acts as hypervisor and modifies boot sequence of the computer to load the host OS as a virtual machine.

Boot Loader level rootkit: replaces original boot loader with one controlled by attacker

Hardware/Firmware Rootkit: Hides in hardware devices or platform firmware which is not inspected for code integrity

Application level rootkit: replaces regular application binaries with fake trojan, or modifies the behavior of existing applications

Kernel Level Rootkit: Adds malicious code or replaces original OS kernel and device driver codes

Library Level Rootkits: Replaces original system calls with fake ones to hide information about attacker

Detecting Rootkits

Integrity-Based detection: compares a snapshot of the filesystem,boot records, or memory

Signature-based technology: compares characteristics of all system processes and executable files with a database of known rootkit


Heuristic/Behavior based detection: any deviations in the systems normal activity

Runtime Execution path profiling: compares runtime execution paths of all system processes before and after rootkit infection

Cross View-Based detection: enumerates key elements in the computer system such as system files, processes, and registry keys and

compares them to an algorithm to generate a similar data set that does not rely on common APIs

NTFS Data Stream

NTFS alternate data stream (ADS) is a windows hidden stream which contains metadata for the file such as attributes, word count,

author name, access and modification time of files

Using NTFS stream, an attacker can almost completely hide files within the system.

You can hide a file side another file (trojan in a readme.


Countermeasures: use a third party file integrity checker

Tripwire==File Integrity Checker

Tripwire==File Integrity Checker

Tripwire==File Integrity Checker





Image Stego && Audio Stego !


Steganography is a technique of hiding a secret message within an ordinary message and extracting it at the destination

Utilizing a graphic image as a cover is the most popular method to conceal the data in files

Attackers can use steganography to hide messages such as list of compromised servers, source code for the hacking tools, plans for

future attacks, etc

Technical Steganography: invisible ink/microdots, physical methods to hide

Linguistic Steganography: Type that hides the message in another file

Semagrams: use of symbols to hide information

Least Significant bit insertion: The rightmost bit of a pixel is called the LSB

Masking and Filtering: Making technique hides data similar to watermarks on actual paper.

Can be detection with simple statistical


Mostly in grayscale images.

Algorithms and Transformation

Hide data in mathematical functions used in compression algorithms

Data is embedded by changing the coefficients of a transform of an image

Audio steganography - information in hidden frequency


Art of discovering and rendering covert messages using steganography.

It attacks steganography efforts

Covering Tracks

Techniques used for covering tracks

Disable Auditing: disabling audit features of target system

Clearing logs: attacker clears/delete the system log entries for their activities

Manipulating logs: Manipulates logs in a way they won’t be caught in legal actions

If system is exploited with metasploit, attacker uses meterpreter shell to wipe logs

otherwise can use clearlogs.

exe or clear_event_viewer_logs.


Penetration Testing

Password Cracking

Privilege Escalation

Execute Applications

Hiding Files

Covering Tracks


Module 6: Malware Threats


Module Objectives

Introduction to Malware and Malware propagation techniques

Overview of Trojans, their types, how to to infect systems

Overview of Viruses, their types, and how they infect files

Introduction to the Computer Worm

Understanding the Malware Analysis process

Understanding Different techniques to detect malware

Malware countermeasures

Overview of Malware penetration testing

Introduction to Malware

Malware is a malicious software that damages or disables computer systems and give limited control or full control of the systems to

the attacker for the purpose of theft or fraud

Examples of Malware: Trojan Horse, Backdoor, Rootkit, Ransomware, Adware, Virus, Worms, Spyware, Botnet, Crypter

Common techniques attackers use to distribute malware: Blackhat SEO, Social Engineer Clickjacking, Spear Phishing sites, Malvertising,

Compromised legitimate websites, Drive by downloads on browser vulnerabilities

Trojan Concepts

A trojan is a program which the malicious or harmful code is contained inside an apparently harmless program or in such a way it can

get control and cause damage, such as ruining a file allocation table on your hard disk

Trojans get activated upon user’s certain predefined actions, and conduct abnormal activities on the system

When a trojan is installed, they attacker can basically do anything to your computer

do you know netstat, bro?

check it to see how your test trojan is doing

RATs && Botnet Trojans

How to infect systems using a trojan

Create a new trojan packet using a trojan horse construction kit

Create a dropper, which is part in a trojanized packet that installs the malicious code on the target system

A wrapper binds a trojan executable with an innocent looking .

EXE application such as games or office applications.

When an EXE is

executed, it first installs the trojan in the background.

Attackers use crypters to hide viruses, spyware, keyloggers to make them undetectable by antivirus

Attackers can deploy a trojan by creating a malicious link/email attachments

Exploit kit: Platform to deliver exploits and payloads such as trojans, backdoors, bots, buffer overflow scripts,etc

Evading Anti-Virus Techniques:

Break the trojan file into multiple pieces and zip them as a single file

ALWAYS write your own Trojan, and embed it into an application

Change the Trojans Syntax

Convert EXE to VB script

Change the content of the Trojan using Hex Editor and also change the checksum and encrypt the file

Never use trojans downloaded from the web (antivirus can detect these easily)

Command shell trojans give remote control of a command shell

Trojan server is installed on the victim’s machine, which opens a port for attacker to connect.

Defacement Trojans: Can destroy or change entire content present in a database.

Much more dangerous when attackers target websites

Botnet Trojans: infect a large number of computers to create a network of bots(chewbacca)

Proxy Server Trojans: Converts user’s computer into proxy servers, thus making them accessible to specific attackers.

VNC Trojan: VNC trojan starts a VNC server daemon in the infected systems.

Attacker can connect to the victim using any VNC viewer

HTTP/HTTPS Trojans: bypass firewall, spawn a child program and child program appears to be a user to the firewall

ICMP Tunneling

Covert channels are methods in which an attacker can hide the data in a protocol that is undetectable

They rely on techniques called tunneling, which allow on protocol be carried over to another protocol .

very stealthy

Remote Access Trojans: provide attackers with full control over the victim’s system

E Banking Trojans - intercept a victim’s account information before it is encrypted

Steals victim’s data such as credit card information

Notification Trojans: Sends the location of the victim’s IP address to attacker

Whenever victim’s computer connected to the internet, the attacker receives the notification

Viruses and Worm Concepts

*Virus: A self replicating program that produces its own copy by attacking itself to another program, computer boot sector or document

Transmitted through downloads, infected flash drives, email attachments

Stages of Virus Life

Design: creating the virus

Replication: Replicating the virus on target system

Launch: launching/running the virus (.

exe file)

Detection: Target system identifies virus

Incorporation : Anti-virus softwares update

Elimination: users install anti-virus update to eliminate virus

Indications of a virus attack: abnormal activities (slow, anti virus alerts, folders missing, drive label changes, etc)

There are many Fake Anti-Viruses that are actually viruses

*Ransomware: restrict computer files until a sum is paid

*Boot Sector Viruses: moves MBR to another location on hard disk

File Virus: Infects files which are executed or interpreted on the system such as (COM, EXE, SYL, OVL, OBJ, MNU and BAT files

*Multipartite Virus: Infect the system boot sector and the executable files at the same time (hybrid, top 2 combined))

*Macro Viruses: Infect files created by Microsoft Word or Excel

Infect Templates, convert infected documents into template files

Cluster Viruses: These modify directory table contents so that it points users to system processes to the virus code isntead of

the actual program

There is only one copy of the virus on the disk infecting all the programs in the computer system

Will launch itself first when any program on the computer system is started

*Stealth/Tunneling Virus: This virus evades anti-virus software by intercepting its requests to the operating system

Virus can return an uninfected version of the file to the anti-virus software, so it appears as if the file is “clean”

Encryption Viruses: uses simple encryption to encipher the code.

Virus is encrypted with different key for each infected file.


Scanner cannot directly detect these types fo viruses using signature detection methods

*Polymorphic Code: Code that mutates while keeping the original algorithm intact.

Well written polymorphic code has no parts that stay

the same on each infection.

uses EXCLUSIVE OR logic gate to obfuscate

*Metamorphic Viruses: Rewrite themselves completely each time they are to infect new executable

Can Reprogram itself by translating its own code into a temporary representation and then back to the normal code again

*File Overwriting or Cavity Virus: Overwrites a part of the host file that is constant (usually nulls), without increasing the length

of the file and preserving its functionality

*Sparse Infector/logic bomb Viruses: Infects only occasionally, or only files whose length falls within a narrow range.

By infection less

often, they try to minimize the probability of being discovered

Companion/camouflage Viruses: Creates a companion file for each executable file the viruses infects.

Therefor, a companion virus may

save itself as notepad.

com and every time the user executes notepad.

exe (good program), the computer will load the virus notepad.


and infect

Shell Viruses: Virus code forms a shell around the target host program’s code, making itself the original program and host code as

its sub-routine.

Almost all boot program are shell viruses

File Extension Viruses: changes the extensions of files.



TXT is a safe file.

Virus file is BAD.


VBS but will only show up as


txt .

When opened a script executes.

Add-on Virus: adds on their code to the host code without making any changes to the latter or relocate the host code to insert

their own code at the beginning

Intrusive Viruses: Overwrite the host code partly or completely with the viral code

Transient/Direct Action Virus: Transfers all the controls of the host code to where it resides in the memory.

Virus runs when the

host code is run and terminates itself or exits memory as soon as host code execution ends

Terminate and Stay Resident Virus: remains permanently in the memory during entire work session even after the host’s program is

executed and terminated.

Removed only by rebooting system.

*Computer Worms: Malicious programs that replicate, execute, and spread across network connections independently without human


Most are created only to replicate and spread, but some have payloads

Attackers use payloads to install backdoors which turns them into a zombie for a botnet

A worm is a special type of malware that can replicate itself and use memory, but cannot attach itself to other programs

A worm takes advantage of file or information transport features on a computer and spreads through the infected network

Malware Reverse Engineering

Sheep Dipping refers to the analysis of suspect files, incoming messages, for malware

A sheep dip computer is installed with port monitors, file monitors, network monitors and antivirus software and connects to a

network only under strictly controlled conditions

Anti-Virus Sensor Systems: Collection of computer software that detects and analyzes malicious code threats

Malware Analysis Procedure:

Perform static analysis when the malware is inactive

Collect info of string values found in binary with tools

Setup network connection and check there are no errors

Run the virus and monitor the process actions and system information with help of process monitor/explorer

Record network traffic information using monitoring tools (TCP view, netResident)

Determine the files added, processes spawn, and changes to registry with tools

Collect Service requests and DNS tables information, attempts for incoming and outgoing connections using tools

Malware Detection

Trojans open unused ports in victims machine to connect back to Trojan handlers

Look for connection established to unknown or suspicious IP addresses

You can use a port monitoring tool

Scanning for Suspicious Processes

Trojans camouflage themselves as genuine Windows services

Some trojans use Portable Executable to inject into various processes

Processes are visible but may look like a legitimate processes and helps bypass desktop firewalls

Trojans can also use rootkit methods to hide their processes

Use process monitoring tools to detect hidden trojans and backdoors

Trojans are installed along with device drivers downloaded from untrusted sources

Scan suspicious drivers and verify they are genuine and downloaded from publishers original site

Trojans normally modify system’s files and folders.

Use these tools to detect changes

SIGVERIF: checks integrity of critical files digitally signed by microsoft

FCIV - Computes MD5 or SHA-1 cryptographic hashes for files

TRIPWIRE: system integrity verifier that scan and reports critical system file for changes

Scanning for suspicious network activities

Trojans connect back to handlers and send confidential info to attackers

Use network scanners boi

Virus Detection Methods

Anti-virus executes the malicious code to simulate.

Effective for dealing with encrypted and polymorphic viruses

Heuristic Analysis: Can be static or dynamic.

In static, anti-virus analyzes the file format and code structure to determine is code

is viral.

In dynamic, the AV performs a code emulation

a code emulation

a code emulation


Trojan Countermeasures

Avoid opening email attachments from unknown senders

Block unnecessary ports

Avoid accepting programs transferred by instant messaging

Hard weak default configs and unused functionality including protocols/services

Monitor internal network traffic for odd ports

Avoid downloading and executing apps from untrusted sources

Install security updates

Scan CD’s and DVD’s w/ antivirus software

Restrict permissions within desktop environment

Manage local workstation file integrity

Run Host-Based Antivirus

Backdoor Countermeasures


Educate users not to download from untrusted sites

Anti-Malware Software

Norton, Mcafee, Nessus etc.


Module 7: Sniffing


Objectives: Overview of sniffing concepts, understanding MAC attacks, Understanding DHCP attacks, understanding ARP poisoning,

Understanding MAC spoofing attacks, Understanding DNS poisoning, Sniffing tools, Sniffing countermeasures, Understanding various techniques to detect sniffing, overview of sniffing pen testing

Sniffing Concepts

Sniffing is a process of monitoring and capturing all data packets passing through a given network using sniffing tools (form of

wire tap)

Many enterprises switch ports are open

Anyone in same physical location can plug into network with ethernet

How a sniffer works

Sniffer turns on the NIC of a system to the promiscuous mode that it listens to all the data transmitted on its segment

Each computer has a MAC address and an IP address

Passive sniffing: means through a hub (involves sending no packets), on a hub traffic is sent to all ports

Most modern networks use switches

Active Sniffing: Searches for traffic on a switched LAN by actively injecting traffic into the LAN.

Involves injecting address

resolution packets (ARP) into the network

Protocols vulnerable to sniffing:

HTTP, Telnet and Rlogin, POP, IMAP, SMTP and NNTP

Sniffers operate at the Data Link layer of the OSI model

Hardware Protocol Analyzer: equipment that captures signals without altering the traffic in a cable segment

Can be used to monitor traffic.

Allows attacker to see individual data bytes

MAC Attacks

Each switch has a fixed size dynamic content addressable memory (CAM table)

CAM table stores information such as MAC address available on physical ports

If CAM table is flooded with more MAC address it can hold, then the switch turns into a HUB

Attackers exploit this

Switch Port Stealing: uses mac flooding to sniff the packets

How to defend against MAC attacks: use a port security to restrict inbound traffic from only a selected set of mac addresses and

limit MAC flooding attacks

also if there’s an option, turn on flood control

DNS Poisoning

DNS records

A resolves to IPv4; AAAA resolves IPv6

DNS poisoning is a technique that tricks a DNS server into believing that it has received authentication when it really has not

Results in substitution of a false IP address

Attacker can create fake DNS entries

Intranet DNS spoofing: must be connected to LAN and able to sniff.

Works well against switches with ARP poisoning the router.

Intranet DNS spoofing attacker infects machine with trojan and changes DNS IP to that of attacker

Proxy Server DNS poisoning: attacker sends a trojan to machine that changes hosts proxy server settings in internet explorer to

that of the attacker’s and redirect to fake website

DNS Cache Poisoning: Refers to altering or adding forged DNS records into DNS resolver cache so that a DNS query is redirected to

a malicious site

How to defend: resolve all DNS queries to local DNS server, Block DNS requests from going to external servers, configure firewall

to restrict external DNS lookup, Implement IDS and deploy correct, Implement DNSSEC

DHCP Attacks

DORA process: discover && offer && request && advertise

DHCP servers maintain TCP/IP configuration information (provides leases)

DHCP starvation attack: attacker broadcasts forged DHCP requests and tries to lease all DHCP addresses available in the DHCP scope

As a result, legitimate user is unable to obtain or renew an IP address

Rogue DHCP: rogue DHCP server in network and responds to DHCP requests with bogus IP addresses

How to defend against DHCP starvation and Rogue Server Attack: Enable port security for DHCP starvation, and enable DHCP snooping

that allows switch to accept DHCP transactions from a trusted port

ARP Poisoning

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a stateless protocol used for resolving IP address to machine (MAC) addresses

All network devices broadcasts ARP queries in the network to find machine’s MAC address

When one machine needs to communicate with another, it looks up to the ARP table.

If it’s not there, the ARP_REQUEST is broadcasted

over the network

ARP packets can be forged

ARP spoofing involves constructing large number of forged ARP requests

Switch is set in ‘forwarding mode’ after the ARP table is flooded with spoofed ARP replies

Attackers flood a target computer’s ARP cache with forged entries, which is also known as poisoning

ARP spoofing is a method of attacking an ethernet LAN

Using Fake ARP messages, an attacker can divert all communications between two machines so that all traffic is exchanged via

his/her PC

vulnerable protocols: telnet, rlogin, imap, http, pop, smtp, nntp, ftp

ARP Tools: Cain & Abel, WinArpAttacker, mitmf

How to defend: Implement dynamic ARP inspection, DHCP Snooping, XArp spoofing detection

turn on DAI snooping (dynamic arp inspect)


Attacker can sniff network for MAC addresses, then spoof them to receive all the traffic destined for the user.

Allows allows

attacker to gain access to the network

IRDP spoofing: ICMP Router discovery protocol allows host to discover the IP address of active routers.

Attacker sends spoofed IRDP router advertisement message to the host on the subnet, causing it to change its default router

How to defend: DHCP snooping, Dynamic ARP inspection, IP source guard

Span Port: A port which is configured to receive a copy of every packet that passing through a switch

Wiretapping: Process of monitoring telephone and internet convo’s by third party

Via connecting a listening device (hardware or software) to the circuit

Active Wiretapping: Monitors, records, and injects something into the communication or traffic

Passive Wiretapping: It only monitors and records the traffic and gain knowledge of the data it contains

Lawful interception: legally intercepting data communication

Sniffing Tools

Wireshark aka ethereal

captures win into winpcap

captures *nux into libpcap

captures wifi into airpcap’s

byte pane == hex







Restrict physical access

Use encryption

Permanent add MAC address to the gateway to the ARP cache

Use static IP addresses

Turn off network ID broadcasts

Use IPV6

Use HTTPS instead of HTTP

Use switch than Hub

Use SFTP instead of FTP

Sniffing Detection Techniques

Runs IDS and notice if mac address of certain machines have changed

Check which machines are running in the promiscuous mode

Promiscuous mode allows a network device to intercept and read each network packet

Only a machine in promiscuous mode cache the ARP information

A machine in promiscuous mode replies to the ping message as it has correct information about the host sending a ping request

Sniffing Pen Testing

Sniffing pen test is used to check if the data transmission from an org is secure from sniffing and interception attacks


Module 8: Social Engineering


Objectives: overview of social engineering concepts, understanding various social engineering techniques, understanding insider

threats, understanding impersonation on social networking sites, understanding identity theft, social engineering countermeasures,

identify theft countermeasures, overview of social engineering pen testing

Social Engineering Concepts

Social engineering is the art of convincing people to reveal confidential information

Depends on the fact people are unaware of their valuable info and careless about protecting it

habit == vulnerability

Social Engineering Techniques

Human-based social engineering, Computer-Based social engineering, Mobile-based social engineering

Human Based Social Engineering

Reverse social engineering (attacker presents as authority)

get them to comply out of a sense of moral obligation

get them to feel like they are about to save the boss’ bacon.

tell them that.

Piggybacking (“I forgot my ID badge, please help)

Tailgating (walking directly behind someone for entrance)

keywords + buzzwords

Computer Based Social Engineering

Hoax Letters, free gifts, etc

Mobile-based social engineering

Repackaging legitimate apps

Fake security applications

Insider attack

Disgruntled employee

malicious insider

negligent insider

professional insider

compromised insider

Prevention: separation and rotation of duties, least privilege, controlled access, logging and auditing, legal policies,

archive critical data

Impersonation on Social Networking Sites

Social engineering on facebook, twitter, linkedin etc

Identify Theft

When someone steals your PI

Social Engineering countermeasures

Periodic password change, good policies, etc.


Module 9: Denial of Service


Objectives: Overview of DOS attacks and DDoS attacks, understanding the techniques of DoS/DDoS Attack Techniques,

Understanding the Botnet Network, Understanding Various DoS and DDoS attack tools, DoS/DDoS countermeasures, Overview of DoS

attack penetration testing

DoS/DDoS Concepts

Denial of Service (DoS) is an attack on a computer or network that reduces, restricts or prevents accessibility of system

resource to its legitimate users

Attackers flood a victim system with non-legitimate service requests

DDoS attack involves a multitude of compromised systems attacking a single targeted system (botnet)

DoS/DDoS Attack Techniques

Basic categories of the attacks

Volumetric Attacks

consumes the bandwidth of the target network or service

Fragmentation UDP

overwhelms target’s ability of reassembling fragmented packets

udp flood attack

aka fraggle

spoofed udp to target

overload resources

TCP state-exhaustion attack

consumes connection state table present such as load balancers ,firewalls, app servers

Application layer attack: consumes app resources or service making it unavailable to other legitimate users

SYN Attack

Attacker sends a large number of SYN request to target server

Target machine sends back a SYN ACK in response to the request waiting for the ACK to complete session

Attacker never sends ack

ICMP flood attack

type of DoS where perpetrators send a large number of ICMP packets causing the system to stop responding to

legitimate TCP/IP requests

ping of death

send malformed oversized packets exceeding frc 791, crashes old machines

smurf attack ICMP

spoof src ip with target ip

To protect yourself

set a threshold limit that invokes a ICMP protection feature


both src and dst spoofed to tgt

Peer to Peer Attack

attackers instruct clients of p2p file sharing hubs to disconnect for their p2p network and connect to victims

fake website.

Attackers can launch massive DoS attacks and compromise websites

Permanent Denial-of-Service Attack

Also known as phlashing, refers to attacks that cause irreversible damage to system hardware

Unlike other DoS attacks,, it sabotages the system hardware

Application-Level Flood Attack

results in the loss of services

Using this attack , attackers exploit weaknesses in programming source code to prevent in the application from processing legitimate


Distributed Reflection Denial of Service (DRDoS)

Also known as a spoofed attack, involves the use of multiple intermediary and secondary machines that contribute to the actual DDoS

attack against the target machine or application

stack=fixed location

heap=dynamic location

LIFO=Little Endian


Bots are software applications that run-automated tasks over the internet

A botnet is a huge network of compromised systems and can be used by an attacker to launch a DoS attack

Scanning Methods for Finding Vulnerable Machines: Random Scanning, Hit-list scanning, topological scanning, local subnet scanning,

permutation scanning

DoS and DDoS attack tools

LOIC, HIOC, GoldenEye

R-U-Dead-Yet (RUDY)

R-U-Dead-Yet (RUDY)

R-U-Dead-Yet (RUDY)



Activity Profiling

Increases in activity levels, distinct clusters, average packet rate etc

Changepoint detection

Filters network traffic by IP addresses, targeted port numbers, stores traffic flow data in a graph that shows the traffic flow rate

vs time

Wavelet-based signal analysis

Analyzes network traffic in terms of spectral components.

Divides incoming signal into various frequencies for analyzation

DoS/DDoS countermeasure strategies

Absorbing the attack (requiring additional resources)

Degrading services (identify critical services and stop non-critical)

Shutting down the services

Deflect Attacks

Honeypots act as an enticement for an attacker.

Serve as a means for gaining information about attackers, stores

their activities

Ingress filtering

protects from flooding attacks.

Enables originator be traced to its true source

Egress Filtering

scanning packet headers of IP address leaving a network.

Ensures unauthorized or malicious traffic never leaves

the internal network

Mitigate Attack

Load balancing, throttling

Post-Attack Forensics

Analyze traffic patterns for new filtering techniques, analyze router, firewall, and IDS logs , can update load-balancing and

throttling countermeasures

reverse proxy protects the destination resource (web server), not the user


Module 10: Session Hijacking


Module Objectives

Understanding session hijacking concepts

Understanding application level session hijacking

Understanding network level session hijacking

Session hijacking tools

Session hijacking countermeasures

Overview of session hijacking penetration testing

Session Hijacking Concepts

What is session hijacking?

Since most authentication occurs at the start of a TCP session, this allows the attacker to gain access to the machine.

He can take

the cookie and play it as his own

Cookie will however expire after sometime.

Much easier to steal cookie than brute force a password/token

Why is session hijacking successful?

No account lockout for invalid session IDs

Weak session ID generation algorithm

Insecure handling of session IDs

Indefinite session expiration time

Most computers using TCP/IP are vulnerable

Most countermeasures do not work unless you use encryption

Session Hijacking Process

Referer attack: attacker tries to lure a user to click on a link to malicious site

Get Request [pull the web page]

During Session Hijacking process (syn-ack), attacker must time it to jump into the session

Brute forcing: attacker attempts difference IDs until he succeeds

Sniff>Monitor>Session Desynchronization>Session ID prediction>Command Injection

Types of session hijacking

Active Attack: Attacker finds active session and takes over

Passive Attack: Attack hijacks a session but sits back and watches and records all the traffic that is being sent forth

Session Hijacking in OSI Model: Network Level Hiking, Application Level Hijackings

Network Level OSI Model: Network level hijacking can be defined as the interception of the packet during transmission between client

and server

Application Level Hijacking: App level hijacking is about gaining control over the HTTPs user session by obtaining the session IDs

Spoofing vs Hijacking

Spoofing Attack: pretends to be another user

Attack pretends to be another user

Hijacking: process of taking over an existing active session

Application Level Session Hijacking

A session token can be compromised in various ways

Session sniffing

Sniff to capture valid session token or ID

Predictable session token

Predict a session ID generated by a weak algorithm

Guesses unique session value or deduce session ID

Man-in-middle attack

Intruding an existing connection and intercept

Attackers use different techniques and split the TCP connection

Man-in-browser attack

Uses a trojan horse to intercept calls between browser and its security mechanisms

Can be a malicious extension

Cross-site script attack

XSS enables attackers to inject malicious client side scripts into web pages

Malicious Javascript code

Trojan horse can change proxy settings in user’s browser


Cross-site request forgery attack (CSRF)

A CSRF attack exploits victim’s active session with a trusted site in order to perform malicious activities

Session replay attack

In session reply, the attacker listens to the conversation between the user and the server and captures the authentication token

of the user

Once authentication token is captured, the attacker replays the request to the server with the authentication token

Session fixation

Session fixation is an attack that allows an attacker to hijack a valid user session

Attack tries to lure a user to authenticate himself with a known session ID and then hijacks the user-validated session

Attacker has to provide a legitimate web app session ID and try to lure the victim browser to use it

CSRF Cross site request forgery:

User visits banking site.

Attacker has user somehow visit his site.

His site infects and adds onto her session and insert more

commands into her session and do things she did not authorize.

session splicing

continuous stream of fragmented, spliced session

use program called wisk-ers

Network Level Session Hijacking

The 3-way handshake: if the attacker can anticipate the next sequence and ACK number , they can spoof bobs address and start a

communication with the server

TCP/IP Hijacking:

Blind Hijacking

Attacker injects malicious data or commands into the intercepted communication in the TCP session even if the source-routing is


ip src routing packets: inject forged packets with correct sequence number, gaining conenction and simultaneously kicking other user

The attacker can send the data or comments but has no access to see the response

You might be able to see the effects however

UDP Hijacking

Manipulating the packet

Session Hijacking Tools

ZAP (zed attack proxy by OWASP) is an integrated penetration testing tool

BURP Suite: inspect and modify traffic.

Analyzes all kinds of content.

Is an interception proxy


IPSec: protocol suite for securing IP communications by authenticating and encrypting each IP packet of a communication session

Deployed widely to implement virtual private networks (VPNs) and for remote user access through dial up connection to private networks

Transport Mode: Authenticates two connected computers.

Option to encrypt data transfer.

Compatible with NAT

Tunnel Mode: Encapsulates packets being transferred.

Option to encrypt data.

Not compatible with NAT.




ipsec, isakmp, and port 5000

ipsec AH==integrity and ESP==authentication


Module 11: Hacking Webservers



Understanding web server concepts

understanding web server attacks

understanding webserver attack methodology

webserver attack tools

countermeasures against web server attacks

overview of patch management

webserver security tools

overview of web server penetration testing

firewall types

bastion: hardened server with public and private nics wan<>fw<>bastionhost<>lan

dual homed: firewall which has a network on either side wan<>fw<>somethinglan-ish<>fw<>lan

dmz: three wan<>fw(and dmz on a stick)<>lan

more firewall types

stateful packet filter fw: layer 4 monitors tcp transport connection states

circuit level gateway: session layer

app layer firewall: layer 7, restricted to services supported by proxy, application-specific commands

stateful multi layer: combines above 3, filter packets and everything

application proxy: filters connections based on services

nat: uses 2 nics, internal and external, each w/own net, never exposes internal net, one-to-one relationship

pat: nat with one-to-many

vpn: private net over public wan, uses point to point (l2tp/p2pp) crypto

firewall limitations

does not prevent virus/backdoor/insider attack

config can be faulty

is not AV

does not prevent password misuse

does not see tunneled traffic

honeypots mayn

system set up to attact/trap intruders

no production value

honeypot types

low interaction: detect probes

high interaction: delay attacker

honeynet: network of honeypots

intrudion detection tools

snort mayn: rule based language with detection engine, can perform protocol analysis, logger and straight packet sniffer

first thing you do with snort is change the conf file.

gotta make some changes before you run it for the first time

rule sntax for snort: [rule action][protocol]any any[format direction][rule ip]port

actions: alert; log; pass (drop)

can port range via : ie.

pass tcp any any -> 192.



0/24 137:139 drop all from port 137-139

Web server Concepts

A web server is a program that hosts websites, attackers usually target software vulnerabilities and config errors to compromise

the servers

Nowadays, network and OS level attacks can be well defended using proper network security measures such as firewalls, IDS, etc.

Web servers are more vulnerable to attack since they are available on the web

Why are web servers compromised

Improper file/directory permissions

Installing the server with default settings

Unnecessary services enabled

Security conflicts

Lack of proper security policy

Improper Authentication

Default Accounts


Bugs in OS

Misconfigured SSL certificates

Use of self-signed certs

IIS (internet information service) is a webserver application developed by Microsoft for Windows.

Webserver Attacks

DoS/DDoS Attacks: Attackers may send numerous fake requests to the web server which results in the web server crash or become


May target high-profile web servers

DNS Server Hijacking: Attacker compromises DNS server and changes the DNS settings so that all requests coming towards the target

web server is redirected to another malicious server

DNS Amplification Attack: Attacker takes advantage of DNS recursive method of DNS redirection to perform DNS amplification attack

Attacker uses compromised PCs with spoofed IPs to amplify the DDoS attack by exploiting the DNS recursive method

Directory Traversal Attack: Attackers use .


/ to sequence to access restricted directories outside of the web server root directory

(trial and error)

Man-in-the middle Sniffing Attack: MITM attacks allow an attacker to access sensitive info by intercepting and altering communications

Phishing Attacks: Attacker tricks user to submit login details for website that looks legit but it’s not.

Attempts to steal credentials

Website Defacement: intruder maliciously alters visual appearance of a web page by inserting offending data.

Variety of methods such

as MYSQL injection

Web Server Configuration: Refers configuration weaknesses in infrastructure such as directory traversal

HTTP Responses Splitting Attack: involves adding header data into the input field so that the server split the response into two


The attack can control the second response to redirect user to malicious website whereas the other response will be

discarded by browser

Web Cache Poisoning: An attacker forces the web server’s cache to flush its actual cache content and sends a specially crafted

requests, which will be stored in cache

SSH Bruteforce Attack: SSH protocols are used to create encrypted SSH Tunnel between two hosts.

Attackers can brute force the SSH

login credentials

Webserver Password Cracking: An attacker tries to exploit the weaknesses to hack well-chosen passwords (social engineering, spoofing,


Web Application Attacks: Vulnerabilities in web apps running on a webserver provide a broad attack path for webserver compromise

SQL Injection, Directory Traversal, DoS, Cookie Tampering, XSS Attack, Buffer Overflow, CSRF attack,

Attack Methodology:

Information Gathering, Webserver Footprinting, Mirroring Website, Vulnerability Scanning, Session hijacking, Hacking webserver


Information Gathering: Robots.

txt file contains list of web server directory and files that website owner wants to hide from web


Use tools such as burp suite to automate session hijacking

Webserver Attack Tools

Metasploit: Encapsulates an exploit.

Payload module: carries a backpack into the system to unload

Metasploit Aux Module: Performing arbitrary, one-off actions such as port scanning, DoS, and fuzzing

NOPS module: generate a no-operation instructions used for blocking out buffers

Password Cracking: THC Hydra, Cain & Abel


An ideal web hosting network should be designed with at least three segments namely: The internet segment, secure server security

segment (DMZ), internal network

Placed the web server in DMZ of the network isolated from the public network as well as internal network

Firewalls should be placed for internal network as well as internet traffic going towards DMZ

Patches and Updates: Ensure service packs, hotfixes, and security patch levels are consistent on all domain controllers

Protocols: block all unnecessary ports, ICMPs, and unnecessary protocols such as NetBIOS and SMB.

Disable WebDav if not used

Files and Directories: delete unnecessary files, disable serving of directory listings, disable serving certain file types , avoid

virtual directories

Detecting Hacking Attempts: Run scripts on the server that detects any changes made in the existing executable file.

Compare hash

values of files on server to detect changes in codebase.

Alert user upon any change in detection

Secure the SAM (stand-alone servers only)

Defending against DNS hijacking: choose ICANN accredited registrar.

Install anti-virus

Patch Management

Hotfixes are an update to fix a specific customer issue

A patch is a small piece of software designed to fix problems

Hotfixes and Patches are sometimes combined for server packs

Patch Management is a process used to ensure that the appropriate patches are installed on a system to help fix known vulnerabilities

Before installing a patch, verify the source.

Patch Management Tools: MBSA (Microsoft baseline Security Analyzer) - checks for available updates to OS, SQL Server, .

NET framework


Webserver Security Tools

Syhunt helps automate web app security testing and guards.

N Stalker is a scanner to search vulnerabilities

Webserver Pen Testing

Used to identify, analyze, and report vulnerabilities


Module 12: Hacking Web Applications


Module Objectives: Understanding Web Application concepts, understanding web app threats, understanding web app hacking methodology,

web app hacking tools, understanding web app countermeasures, web app security tools, overview of web app pen testing

Web App Concepts

Web apps provide an interface between end users and web servers through a set of pages

Web tech such as Web 2.

0 support critical business functions such as CRM, SCM

Web App Threats

Cookie Poisoning: by changing info in a cookie, attackers can bypass authentication process

Directory Traversal: Gives access to unrestricted directories

Unvalidated Input: Tempering http requests, form field, hidden fields, query strings, so on.

Example of these attacks include SQL

injection, XSS, buffer overflows

Cross Site Scripting: Bypassing client-ID mechanisms to gain privileges, injecting malicious scripts into web pages

Injection Flaws: Injecting malicious code, commands, scripts into input gates of flawed apps

SQL Injection: type of attack where attackers inject SQL commands via input data, and then tamper with the data

LDAP Injection to obtain direct access to databases behind LDAP tree

Parameter/Form tampering: Manipulates the parameters exchanged between client and server to modify app data such as user cred and


DoS: intended to terminate operations

Broken Access Control: method in which attacker identifies a flaw related to access control and bypasses the authentication, then

compromises the network

Cross-Site Request Forgery: attack in which an authenticated user in made to perform certain tasks on the web app that an attacker


Information Leakage: can cause great losses to company.

Improper Error Handling : important to define how a system or network should behave when an error occurs.

Otherwise, error may

provide a chance for an attacker to break into the system.

Improper error can lead to DoS attack

Log Tampering: Attackers can inject, delete, or tamper with app logs to hide their identities

Buffer Overflow: Occurs when app fails to guard its buffer property and allows writing beyond its maximum size

Broken Session management: When credentials such as passwords are not properly secured

Security Misconfigurations

Broken Account Management: account update, forgotten/lost password recovery/reset

Insecure Storage: Users must maintain the proper security of their storage locations

Platform Exploits: Each platform (BEA WEBLOGIC, COLD FUSION) has its own various vulnerabilities

Insecure Direct Object References: When developers expose objects such as files, records, result is insecure direct object reference

Insecure Cryptographic Storage: Sensitive data should be properly encrypted using cryptographic.

Some cryptographic techniques have

inherent weaknesses however

Authentication Hijacking: Once an attacker compromises a system, user impersonation can occur

Network Access attacks: can allow levels of access that standard HTTP app methods could not grant

Cookie Snooping

Web Services Attack: Web services are based on XML protocols such SOAP (simple object access protocol) for communication between web


Insufficient Transport layer protection

Hidden Manipulation

DMZ protocol attacks

Unvalidated redirects and forwards

Failure to restrict URL access

Obfuscation Application

Security Management Exploits

Session Fixation Attack: Attacker tricks user to access a genuine web server using an explicit session ID value.

Attacker assumes

identity of the victim and exploits credentials on the server

Malicious File Execution

Hacking Methodology

Hackers first footprint the web infrastructure

Server discovery, location

Service Discovery: Scan Ports

Banner grabbing: footprinting technique to obtain sensitive info about target.

They can analyze the server response to certain

requests (server identification)

Detecting Web App Firewalls and Proxies on target site

Use Trace method for proxy, and cookie response for a firewall

Hidden Content discovery: Web spidering automatically finds hidden content

Launch web server attack to exploit identified vulnerabilities, launch DoS

Attacking authentication mechanism

Username enumeration

Verbose failure messages.

Predictable user names

Cookie Exploitation

Poisoning(tampering), Sniffing Replay

Session Attack

Session prediction, brute forcing, poisoning

Password Attack:

Guessing, brute force

Authorization attack: finds legitimate accounts then slowly escalates privileges

Attack Session Management Mechanism: involves exchanging sensitive info between server and clients.

If session management is insecure,

attacker can take advantage of flawed session management session

Bypassing authentication controls

Perform injection attacks: exploiting vulnerable input validation mechanism implement

Attack Data connectivity: attacking database connection that forms link between a database server and its client software

Connection string injection: attacker injects parameters in a connection string.

CSPP attacks (Connection String Parameter Attacks).

Connection Pool DoS: Attacker examines connection pooling settings and constructs large SQL query, and runs multiple queries

simultaneously to consume all connections

SOAP==XML When you smell you need SOAP

SOAP==XML When you smell you need SOAP

SOAP==XML When you smell you need SOAP


Encoding Schemes: employing encoding schemes for data to safely handle unusual characters and binary data in the way you intent


unicode editing

How to defend against SQL Injection Attacks

Limit length of user input

Perform input validation

How to defend against xss

Validate all headers, cookies, strings, form fields.

Use firewall

How to configure against DoS

Configure firewall to deny ICMP traffic access

Perform thorough input validation

How to defend against web services attack

Multiple layer protection


N-Stalker is effective suite of web security assessment tools

burp suite tho



Pen Testing

Info Gathering

Config Management Testing

Authentication Testing

Session Management testing

Authorization Testings

Data Validation Testing

DoS Testing

Web Services Testing

AJAX Testing

Use Kali Linux tools



Module 13: SQL Injection


Understanding SQL injection concepts, understanding various types of SQL injection attacks, understanding SQL injection methodology,

SQL injection tools, understanding different IDS evasion techniques, SQL injection countermeasures, SQL injection detection tools

’ OR 1=1 –

where ‘ == ‘end of username input tick marks’

and – == – lalala i’m a one line code comment

SQL Injection Concepts

SQL injection is a technique used to take advantage of non-validated input vulnerabilities to pass SQL commands through a web app for

execution by the backend database

Usually to retrieve information

This is a flaw in web apps

Attacker can deface a web page with this attack

They can add info to your website, extract data, and insert new data

Types of SQL Injection

Error based SQL Injection: Attacker puts intentional bad input into app to see the database-level error messages.

Uses this to create

carefully designed SQL Injections

Blind SQL Injection: Attacker has no error messages from the system with which to work.

Instead, attack simply sends a malicious SQL

query to the database

Whenever you see SELECT, it is probably a SQL command

Union SQL command, joining a forged query to the original query

Time-Based SQL Injection: evaluates time delay in response to true-false queries

SQL Injection Methodology

Information gathering and SQL vulnerability detection

Attackers analyze web GET and POST requests to identify all input fields

Afterwards, launch attack

Advanced SQL injections

SQL Injection Black Box Pen Testing

Send single quotes and input data to see where the user input is not sanitized

Send long strings of junk data to detect buffer overruns

Used right square bracket as input data

use tools dawg

Evasion Techniques

Evading IDS

Obscure input strings

Hex Encoding

Manipulating whitespace

Inline Comment

Char encoding


Use Firewalls on SQL server

Make no assumptions about size, type, or content of the data that is received by the application

Avoid constructing dynamic SQL with concatenated input values

try these at website login forms

admin’ –

admin’ #

admin’ /*

’ or 1=1–

’ or 1=1#

’ or ‘1’=’1–

try logging in as a different user

’ UNION SELECT 1, ‘anotheruser’,’doesntmatter, 1–

try to bypass login by avoiding MD5 hash check

username : admin

password : 1234 AND 1=0 UNION ALL SELECT ‘admin’, ‘81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055

(81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055 == MD5(1234))

try evading IDS by using the hex of above

try evading ISD by adding a lot of white space between commands above


Module 14: Hacking Wireless Networks


Understanding Wireless Concepts, understanding wireless encryption algorithms, understanding wireless threats, understanding wireless

hacking methodology, wireless hacking tools, understanding bluetooth hacking techniques, understanding wireless hacking

countermeasures, overview of wireless penetration testing

Wireless Concepts

GSM: universal system used for mobile transportation for wireless network worldwide

Bandwidth: Describes amount of information that may be broadcasted over a connection

BSSID: The MAC address of an access point that has set up a basic service set id

ISM band: a set of frequency for the international industrial, scientific, and medical communities

Access Point: Used to connect wireless devices to a wireless network

Hotspot: Places where wireless network is available for public use

Association: Process of connecting a wireless device to an access point

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing: method of encoding digital data on multiple carrier frequencies

MIMO: multi-in multi-out (MIMO-OFDM)

Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum: original data signal is multiplied with a pseudo random noise spreading code

Frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS): Method of transmitting radio signals rapidly switching a carrier among many frequency


Wireless Networks

WiFi refers to IEEE 802.

11 standard

SSID (service set identifier)

Open System Authentication Process: in open system, any wireless client that wants to access a WiFi networks sends a request to the

wireless AP for authentication.

Shared Key Authentication Process: in this process, each wireless station receives a shared secret key over a secure channel that is

distinct from the 802.

11 comm channels.

Centralized Authentication server (RADIUS)

WiFi Chalking

WarChalking: draw symbols in public places to advertise open Wi-Fi networks

Types of Wireless Antennas

Directional Antennas: Used to broadcast and obtain radio waves from a single direction

Omni-Directional Antennas: provides 360 degrees horizontal broadcasts, used in wireless base stations

Parabolic Grid Antenna: Based on the idea of a satellite dish.

Can pick up Wi-Fi signals ten miles or more

Yagi Antenna: unidirectional antenna

pringles can/other can antenna: a directional, not a yagi

Dipole Antenna: Bi-Directional Antenna, used to support client connection rather than site-to-site applications

Parabolic grid antennas let attackers attack from from farther away (10 miles!


Wireless Encryption read here

WEP -> FAST -> RC4 -> 24 BIT IV’s

WPA -> RC4 -> TKIP -> 48 BIT IV’s

WPA2 -> AES -> CCMP -> 128 BIT

Wireless Encryption yeah yeah yeah

WEP (wired equivalent privacy): weakest encryption.

Uses 24-bit initialization vector.

A 64 bit WEP uses a 40 bit key etc

Can use Cain & Abel to crack, WEP sucks

WPA (Wifi Protected Access): Stronger encryption with TKIP.

You can brute force the keys offline

You can defend by using stronger passphrases, you BETTER

WPA2: Stronger data protection with AES

WPA-2 personal uses a pre-shared key to protect access

WPA-2 Enterprise includes EAP or RADIUS for centralized authentication w/kerberos etc

Wireless Encryption read here

WEP -> FAST -> RC4 -> 24 BIT IV’s

WPA -> RC4 -> TKIP -> 48 BIT IV’s

WPA2 -> AES -> CCMP -> 128 BIT

Wireless Threats

Access Control Attacks: Aims to penetrate a network by evading WLAN access control measures, such as AP MAC filters and Wi-Fi port

access controls

Integrity Attacks: Sending forged control management or data frames over a wireless network

Confidentiality Attacks: attempt to intercept confidential information sent over wireless associations

Availability Attacks: DoS

Authentication Attacks: Steal the identity of Wi-Fi clients, their PI, logins, etc.

to unauthorized access of network resources

Rogue Access Point Attack: Hijacking connections and acting as a middle man sniffing

Client Mis-Association: Attacker sets up a rogue access point outside of the corporate perimeter and lures the employees of the

organization to connect with it

Misconfigured Access Point Attack: Accidents for configurations that you can exploit

AD Hoc connection attack: Wifi Clients communicate directly in ad-hoc and do not require AP to relay packet.

Attack can attack OS

direct since the encryption is weak

Honeyspot Access Point Attack: Attacker takes advantage of multiple WLAN’s in area and use same SID

AP MAC Spoofing: Hacker spoofs the MAC address of the WLAN client equipment to mask an authorized client

Jamming Signal Attack: High gain amplifier

Wireless Hacking Methodology

WiFi Discovery: discovers the WiFi network

GPS Mapping: Attackers create a map of discovered Wi-Fi network and create a database

Wireless Traffic Analysis: identify vulnerabilities, WiFi reconnaissance, Tools for Packet Capture & Analysis

Launch Wireless Attacks

Fragmentation Attack: can obtain 1500 bytes of PRGA data that can be used for injection attacks

Mac Spoofing: attackers change MAC address to that of an authenticated user to bypass the MAC filtering configured in an access point

Denial of Service: Deauthentication and Disassociation attacks

Man in the middle attack MITM : Attacker spoofs his MAC, sends a deAuth requests and then puts himself in the middle

Wireless ARP poisoning attack:

Rogue Access Point: Wireless APs attacker installs on a network without authorization and are not under management of the network


Are not configured with any security

Evil Twin: Replicates another wireless APs name via common SSID

Crack Wi-Fi encryption

Crack WEP using Aircrack

Crack WPA-PSK using aircrack

WEP cracking using Cain & Abel


so many air***-ng’s

airmon for monitor mode

airodump to dump em

airdecap to decrypt

aircrack to then crack the <=wpa2

can also use can to crack wpa2, hmm

Compromise the Wi-Fi Network

here’s a cool trick to impress your friends, make yourself an evil twin

What is spectrum analysis

RF spectrum analyzers examine Wi-Fi radio transmissions and measure power (amplitude)

Employ statistical analysis to plot spectral usage

Can be used for DoS attack

Bluetooth Hacking

Exploitation of Bluetooth Stack implementation vulnerabilities

Bluesmacking: DoS attack which overflows Bluetooth-enabled devices with random packets causing device to crash

Bluejacking: sending unsolicited messages over bluetooth to bluetooth-enabled devices such as mobile phones, laptops, etc

blackjacking: bluejacking a blackberry with the bbsomething tool

Bluesnarfing: Theft of information from a wireless device through a bluetooth connection

Blue Sniff: Proof of concept code for a bluetooth wardriving utility

Bluebugging: remotely accessing the bluetooth-enabled devices and using its features

BluePrinting: collecting information about bluetooth enabled devices such as manufacturer, device model, firmware

bluetooth==phase-shift keying

MAC spoofing attack: intercepting data intended for other bluetooth enabled devices

MITM: Modifying data between bluetooth enabled devices communication on a piconet

Bluetooth Modes:

Discoverable, Limited Discoverable (timed), Non-discoverable

Pairing Modes

Non-pairable models: rejects every pairing request

Pairable mode: will pair upon request


How to defend against bluetooth hacking

Use non-regular patterns such as PIN keys

Keep device in non-discoverable mode

Keep a check of all paired devices

Always enable encryptions

Wireless Security Tools

some shit



Wireless Intrusion Prevention Systems

kismet opensource *nux

kismet opensource *nux

kismet opensource *nux


Module 15: Hacking Mobile Platforms


Understanding Mobile platform attack vectors, understanding various Android Threats and Attacks, Understanding various iOS threats

and attacks, understanding various Windows Phone OS Threats and Attacks, Understanding various blackberry threats as attacks, understanding mobile device management (MDM), Mobile Security Guidelines and Security Tools, Overview of Mobile Pen Testing

Mobile Platform Attack Vectors

OWASP Mobile Top 10 Risks

Insecure Data Storage

Assumption malware won’t enter system.

Jailbreaking bypasses encryption

Unintended Data Leakage

When a user places sensitive data in a location accessible to other apps

Broken Cryptography

Weak encryption algorithms.

Users should use ARS or 3DES algoirhms

Security Decision via Untrusted Inputs

Apps use protection mechanisms dependent on input values (cookies, environmental variables, hidden form fields), but these input

values can be altered by an attacker to bypass protection mechanism

Lack of Binary Protections: Lack of binary protections in a mobile app exposes it and owner to wide variety of technical and business

risks if insecure

reverse engineering

Must use countermeasures such as

Secure coding techniques

Jailbreak detection controls

Checksum controls

Certificate Pinning Controls

Anatomy of a Mobile Attack

The device -> the network > the data center

Clicking Jacking: tricking users to click something different than what they think they are clicking.

Attackers obtain sensitive

info or take control of device

Framing: a webpage integrated into another webpage using iFrame elements in HTML

Drive By Downloading: unintended download of software from the internet.

Android is affected by this attack

Man in the Middle: Attacker implants malicious code on victim’s mobile device

Buffer Overflows: writing data to buffer suites ,

Data Caching: Caching in mobile devices used to interact with web apps, attackers attempt to exploit the data caches

Phone/SMS-Based attacks

Baseband attacks: exploiting vulnerabilities in phone’s GSM/3GPP baseband processor, which sends/receives signals to towers

SMiShing - Type of phishing where attacker uses SMS text message to link to malicious site

RF (radio frequency) attacks: exploit vulnerabilities found on different peripheral communication channels normally used in nearby

device-device communications

Application-based attacks

Sensitive Data Storage: Some apps employ weak security in their database architecture, which make them targets for attacker to hack

and steal sensitive user information stored on them

No encryption/weak encryption: apps transmit data unencrypted or weakly encrypted are susceptible to attack such as session hijacking

Improper SSL validation: Security Loopholes in apps SSL validation process may allow attackers to circumvent the data security

Config Manipulation: Apps may use external files and libraries, modifying those entities or affecting apps’ capability of using those

results in a config manipulation attack

Dynamic Runtime Injection: attackers manipulate and abuse the runtime of an app to circumvent security locks, logic checks, access

privileges parts of an app, and steal data

Unintended Permissions: Misconfigured apps can at times open doors to attackers by providing unintended permissions

Escalated privileges: Attackers engage in privilege escalation attacks , which take advantage of design flaws, programming errors,

bugs, or config oversights to gain access to resources

OS Based Attacks

iOS Jailbreaking: removing security mechanisms set by apple to prevent malicious code

Android Rooting: allows users to attain privileged control (root access) within android’s subsystem.

Passwords and data accessible

Carrier-loaded software: pre installed software or apps on devices may contain vulnerabilities that an attacker can exploit to

perform malicious activities such as delete, modify, or steal data on the device, eavesdrop on calls

Zero-day exploits: launch an attack by exploiting a previously unknown vulnerability in a mobile OS or app.

The Network based point of attacks

WiFi (weak encryption or no encryption)

Rogue Access Points: attackers install illicit wireless access point by physical means, which allows them to access a protected

network by hijacking the connections of network users

Man in the Middle (MITM): attackers eaves on existing network connections between two systems

SSLStrip: Type of MITM attack which exploits vulnerabilities in the SSL/TLS implementation

Session Hijacking: Attacker steal valid session ID’s

DNS Poisoning: Attackers exploit DNS servers, redirect website users to another website of the attacker’s choice

Fake SSL certificates: Fake SSL certs represent another kind of MITM attacks.

Attacker issues a fake SSL cert to intercept traffic

on a supposedly secure HTTPS connection

The Data Center

Two main point of entry: web server and a database

Web server-based attacks

Platform vulnerabilities: Exploiting vulnerabilities in the OS, Server software, or app modules running on the web server

Server Misconfiguration



Weak Input Validation

Brute-Force Attacks

Database Attacks

SQL Injection

Data Dumping

OS command execution

Privilege Escalation

Sandboxing: helps protect systems and users by limiting the resources the app can access in the mobile platform; however, malicious

apps may exploit vulnerabilities

Hacking Android OS

The device administration API provides device administration features at the system level

Rooting allows android users to attain privileged control (root access)

Involves exploiting security vulnerabilities in the device firmware

use NetCut to block victim wifi, only works on rooted

hacking WITH an android



tunesgo - root android

one click root


mtk droid


superuser x [root]

root uninstaller

hacking with zanti

android app which:

spoof mac

evil hotspots

scan ports

hacking with network spoofer

does other cool stuff

launching dos with android LIOC

just like in space, does flood attacks

session hijacking with droidsheep

sidejacking and sesscap for replay

hacking with orbot proxy

uses tor proxy to bridge your android

android based sniffers

faceniff intercepts sess profiles & hijack all non-EAP wifi nets

android trojans


spydealer exploits lots of social media apps




zitmo(zeus in the mobile)

Securing Android Devices:

Enable screen locks

Don’t root your device

Download apps only from android market

Keep device updated with google software

Do not directly download APK files (sideloading)

Update OS regularly

Use free protector app

Google Apps device policy: allows domain admin to set security policies for your android device

security tools

find my device (seems like best option, lots of practical features)

where’s my droid

tech expert





android vuln scanners




Hacking iOS

Layers of the OS

Cocoa Touch: key framework that help in building iOS app.

Defines appearance, basic services such as touch

Media: contains graphics, audio, and video technology experienced in apps

Core Services: contains fundamental system services for apps

Core OS: low level feature on which most on which most other technologies are built

Tethered (kernel will be patched upon restart) and untethered

try master password.

it’s Alpine

jailbreaking ios

userland exploit allows user-level access

iboot exploit allows user-level and iboot-level access

bootrom exploit allows both as well

jailbreaking techniques

untethered, kernel will be patched, jailbreaks after every reboot

semi-tethered, have to jailbreak it on your own at each startup

tethered, have to re-jailbreak it with a pc every time you boot it

Hacking Windows Phone

it’s not worth hacking these nerds

Hacking Blackberry

Malicious Code Signing: Blackberry apps must be signed by RIM.

Attacker can obtain code-signing keys for a malicious app and post it

in the store

JAD file exploits: A jad file allows a user to go through app details and decide whether to download the app.

However, attackers

created spoofed .

jad files to trick user

PIM Data Attacks: PIM (personal information manager) includes address , books, calendars, tasks

Malicious apps can delete or modify this data

TCP/IP Connections Vulnerabilities: If the device firewall is off, signed apps can open TCP connections without user being prompted

Malicious apps create a reverse connection with the attacker enabling him to use the infected device as a TCP proxy and gain access

to organization’s internal resources

Mobile Device Management (MDM)

MDM provides platforms for over the air or wired distribution of application, data and configuration settings for all types of mobile

devices, smartphones, tablets, etc.

Helps implementing enterprise-wide policies to reduce support costs

Can manage both company-owned and BYOD devices

xenmobile does this

Mobile Security Guidelines and Tools

General Guidelines

Do not load too many apps and avoid auto-upload of photos to social networks

Perform a security assessment of the Application Architecture

Maintain configuration control and management

Install apps from trusted app stores

Securely wipe or delete the data disposing of the device

Ensure bluetooth is off by default

Do not share location within GPS enabled apps

Never connect two separate networks such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth simultaneously

DO NOT allow jailbroken or rooted devices on your network

mobile security guidelines & tools

try not to load too many apps, avoid autoupload of photos to social networks

perform security assessments on app architecture

maintain config management

don’t share info within gps enabled apps

securely wipe or delete data in offboarding

never conenct to two disparate networks (wlan0 && bt0 for example)

use passcodes

perform periodic backups

filter email forwarding

encrypt storage

harden the browser permission rules

mobile protection tools

lockout personal

zimperium’s zips (intrusion prevention system)

avg, avast, bullguard

malwarebytes anti spyware

mobile pentesting

root a device

perform a dos attack

check for vulns(cross-app-scripting) in android browser

check for vulns in sqlite

check for vulns in app intents

use co-checker and indent-fuzzer

install hackode, it does some basic network stuff


Module 16: Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots


Understanding IDS, Firewall, and Honeypot Concept : IDS, Firewall and Honeypot Solutions: Understanding different techniques to

bypass IDS : Understanding different techniques to bypass firewalls, IDS/Firewall Evading Tools : Understanding different techniques

to detect honeypots : Overview of IDS and Firewall Penetration Testing

IDS, Firewall, and Honeypot Concepts

An IDS inspects all inbound and outbound network traffic for suspicious patterns that may indicate a network security breach

Checks traffic for signatures that match known intrusion patterns

Anomaly Detection (behavior detection)

Protocol Anomaly Detection

Indications of Intrusions

System Intrusions

Presence of new files/programs

Changes in file permissions

Unexplained changes in file size

Rogue Files

Unfamiliar file names in directories

Missing files

Network Intrusions

Repeated probes of the available services on your machines

Connections from unusual locations

Repeated login attempts from remote hosts

Arbitrary data in log files

Firewall Architecture

Bastion Host

Computer system designed and configured to protect network resources from attack

Screened Subnet

Also known as the DMZ contains hosts that offer public services.

DMZ zone only responds to public requests, and has no hosts accessed

by the private network

Multi-homed Firewall

A firewall with two or more interfaces

DeMilitarized Zone (DMZ)

A network that serves as a buffer between the internal secure network and insecure internet

Can be created using firewall with three or more main network interfaces

Types of Firewall

Packet Filters: works on the network layers of OSI.

Can drop packets if needed

Circuit Level Gateways: Works at the sessions layer.

Information passed to a remote computer through a circuit-level gateway appear

to have originated from the gateway.

They monitor requests to create sessions, and determines if the session will be allowed.


allow or prevent data streams

Application Level Gateways: App-level proxies can filter packets at the application later of the OSI

Stateful Multilayer Inspection Firewalls: combines the aspects of the other three types of firewalls


Information system resource that is expressly set up to attract and trap people who attempt to penetrate an organization’s network

Honeypot can log port access attempts, monitor attacker’s keystrokes, show early signs etc

2 Types of Honeypots

Low-interaction Honeypots: simulate only a limited number of services and apps.

Cannot be compromised

High-interaction Honeypots: simulates all services and apps.

Can be completely compromised by attackers.

Captures complete information about an attack vector such attack techniques

IDS Tools


Evading IDS

Insertion Attack: IDS blindly believes and accepts the packet

Evasion: End system accepts a packet that an IDS rejects.

Attacker is exploiting the host computer

DoS Attack: Attackers intrusion attempts will not be logged

Obfuscating: encoding the attack payload in a way that the target computer understands but the IDS will not (polymorphic code, etc)

False Positive Generation: Attackers w/ knowledge of the target IDS, craft packets just to generate alerts.

Causes IDS to generate

large number of false positive alerts.

Then use it to hide real attack traffic

Session Splicing

Unicode Evasion Technique: Attackers can convert attack strings to unicode characters to avoid pattern and signature matching at the


Fragmentation Attack: Attackers will keep sending fragments with 15 second delays until all attack payload is reassembled

at the target system

TTL attacks require attacker to have a prior knowledge of the topology of the victim’s network

Invalid RST Packets

Uses a checksum to communicate with host even though the IDS thinks that communication has ended

Urgency Flag

A URG flag in the TCP header is used to mark the data that requires urgent processing

Many IDS do not address the URG pointer

Polymorphic Shellcode: Most IDSs contains signatures for commonly used strings within shellcode.

This can be bypassed by using

encoded shellcode containing a stub that decodes the shell code

App Layer Attacks: IDS cannot verify signature of a compressed file

Evading Firewalls

Port Scanning is used to identify open ports and services running on these ports

Open ports can be further probed to identify the version of services, which helps in finding vulnerabilities in these services

Firewalking: A technique that uses TTL values to determine gateway ACL filters

Attacker sends a TCP or UDP packet to the targeted firewall with a TTL set to one hop greater

Banner Grabbing: Banners are service announcements provided by services in response to connection requests, and often carry vendor

version information

IP address spoofing to a trusted machine

Source Routing: Allows sender of a packet to partially or completely specify the route of a packet through a network, going around a


Tiny Fragments: Forcing some of the TCP packet’s header info into the next fragment

ICMP Tunneling: Allows tunneling a backdoor shell in the data portion of ICMP echo packets

Ack Tunneling: Allows tunneling a backdoor application with TCP packets with the ACK bit set

HTTP Tunneling Method: allows attackers to perform various internet tasks despite restrictions imposed by firewalls.

Method can be

implemented if the target company has a public web server with port 80 used for HTTP traffic

Detecting Honeypots

Attackers craft malicious probe packets to scan for services such as HTTP over SSL, SMTP over SSL, and IMAP

Ports that show a particular service running but deny a three-way handshake indicate the presence of a honeypot


Shut down switch ports associated with the known attack hosts

Reset (RST) malicious TCP sessions


Module 17: Cloud Computing


Understanding cloud computing concepts, understanding cloud computing threats, understanding cloud computing attacks, understanding cloud computing security, understanding cloud computing security tools, overview of cloud pen testing

Introduction to Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is an on-demand delivery of IT capabilities where IT infrastructure applications are provided to subscribers as a

metered service

Types of Cloud Computing Services:

IaaS: Provides virtual machines and other abstracted hardware and OSs which may be controlled through a service API

PaaS: Offers development tools, config management, and deployment platforms on-demand and can be used by subscribers to develop

custom applications

SaaS: Offers software to subscribers on-demand over the internet

Cloud Deployment Models

Private Cloud: Cloud Infrastructure operated solely for a single organization

Community Cloud: Shared Infrastructure between several organizations from a specific communications with common concerns

Hybrid Cloud: Composition of two or more cloud (private, community or public)

Public Cloud: Services are rendered over a network that is open for public use

Cloud Computing Threats

Data Breach/Loss, Abuse of Cloud Services, Insecure Interfaces and APIs, Insufficient due diligence, shared technology issues,

unknown risk profile, Inadequate infrastructure design and planning, conflicts between client hardening procedures and cloud

environment, malicious insiders, illegal access to the cloud, privilege Escalation via error


Module 18: Cryptography



SYMMETRIC (32braids)












Diffie helmen

Ecliptic curve





key escrow: when you give someone a copy of private key for safekeeping

Heartbleed:: Security Flaw in OpenSSL

PoodleBleed: Security vulnerability in SSL 3.


Understanding Cryptography Concepts, Overview of Encryption Algorithms, Cryptography, Cryptography Tools, Understanding Public key

Infrastructure, Understanding Email Encryption, Understanding disk encryption, Understanding cryptographic attacks, cryptanalysis

Cryptography Concepts

The conversion of data into a scrambled code that is decrypted and sent over a private or public network

Used for email messages, chat sessions, web transactions, personal data, corporate data, e-commerce apps, etc.

Types of Cryptography

Symmetric Encryption: Uses the same key for encryption as it does for decryption

Asymmetric Encryption: Uses different key for encryption for encryption and decryption

Government Access to Keys (GAK)

Software companies will give copies of all keys

Government promises they will hold on to the keys in a secure will, and will only use them when a court issues a warrant to do so

Gives them ability to wiretap phones

Encryption Algorithms

Cipher is an algorithm for performing encryption and decryption

Classical Cipher: Most basic type, operates on the alphabet (A-Z)

Modern Ciphers: provide secrecy, integrity, and authentication of sender.

Uses a one-way mathematical function capable of factoring

large prime numbers

Block Ciphers: Deterministic algorithm operating on block of fixed size with an unvary transofmration specified by a symmetric key.

Stream Ciphers: Symmetric key ciphers are plaintext digits combined with a key stream (random).

More on Encryption Algorithms

*Data Encryption Standard (DES): Uses a secret key for both encryption and decryption (symmetric).

62 bit secret key.

des weak shit

*Advanced Encryption Standard (AES): Symmetric key algorithm for securing sensitive but unclassified material by U.



agencies (128 bit)

*RC4 variable key size stream cipher (which means crypt bit by bit), audio/video

RC5: parameterized algorithm with variable block size, 128 bits

RC6: Symmetric key block cipher derived from RC5

Digital Signature Algorithm(DSA): Specifies algorithm to be used in the generation and verification of digital signatures for

sensitive, unclassified application

Digital Signature: Computed using a set of rules (I.

e, the DSA) and a set of parameters

RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman)

RSA=2bigPrimeNumbers, Factorization Process, is an internet encryption and authentication system

Widely used and is one of the de facto encryption standard

Uses modular arithmetic and elementary number theories

Diffie-Hellman group 5, uses 1535 bits

Message Digest (one way Hash)

Hash functions calculate a unique fixed-size bit string

Every output bit has a 50% of changing

A birthday attack is a type of hash collision attack that exploits the mathematics behind the birthday problem in probability theory

MD5, SHA 128/256

Secure Hashing Algorithms

SHA-1: Produces 160 digest with maximum length 264-1, resembles MD5

SHA-2: comprised of SHA-256 and SHA-512(64 bit)

SHA-3: Uses sponge construction in which message block are XORed

What is SSH (Secure Shell)

Replacement for telnet dummy

Provides an encrypted channel

Provides strong host-to-host and user authentication

Public Key Infrastructure

Public Key infrastructure (PKI):

certificate mgmt system: generates, distributes, stores, verifies certs

digital certificates: est credentials of a person when doing online transactions

(VA)validation authority: stores certs with their public keys

(CA)certificate authority: issues, verifies digital certs

end user: requests, manages, uses certs

(RA)registration authority: acts as verifyer for the cert authority

Signed CA vs Self Signed: Signed is more trustworthy

Email Encryption

Digital signature used asymmetric cryptography to simulate the security properties of a signature in digital, rather than written form

A digital signature may be further protection, by encrypting the signed email

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer): SSL is an app protocol developed for netscape for managing the security of a message transmission on the


It uses RSA asymmetric (public key) encryption

Transport Layer Security (TLS=successor of SSL): Protocol to establish a secure connection between a client and a sever.

Uses RSA algorithm with 1024

and 2048 bit strengths

Windows hacker file system encryption

EFS: r_click>advanced>checkbox_encrypt

Cryptographic Attacks

Ciphertext only attack: goal of this attack to recover encryption key from cipher text, like “oh that’s rot13”

Adaptive Chosen-plaintext attack: attacker makes a series of interactive queries

Chosen-plaintext attack: attacker defines his own plaintext, feeds it into the cipher, and analyzes the resulting cipher text

Chosen-plaintext Attack: Attacker defines his own plaintext, feeds it into the cipher, and analyzes the resulting ciphertext

Known-plaintext Attack: Attacker has knowledge of some part of the plain text

birthday-attack again

chosen-ciphertext: obtain plaintexts of arbitrary ciphertexts

rubberhose: beat bottoms of feet with rubber hose to extract the cipher

chosen-key: cariation of chosen-cipher

timing attack: repeatedly measure exact execution times to extract intel on cipher

Code Breaking Methodologies:

Trickery and Deceit: Social Engineering techniques

Brute Force: trying every possible combination

One-Time pad: contains many non-repeating groups of letters or number keys which are randomly chosen

Frequency Analysis: Study the frequency of letters or groups of letters in a ciphertext

MITM on digital sig schemes

Attack works by encrypting one end and decrypting from the other end, the meeting in the middle

Can be used for forging signatures even on digital signatures

Side Channel Attack: Physical attack performed on a cryptographic device/cryptosystem to gain sensitive information



i did not add the new iot module, sorry


Extra Resources:


[note: i already tried, these quizlets are down.

try them anyway, i might be wrong now]

MW AIO Chap 3: https://quizlet.


MW AIO Chap 4: https://quizlet.


MW AIO Chap 5: https://quizlet.


MW AIO Chap 6: https://quizlet.


MW AIO Chap 7: https://quizlet.


MW AIO Chap 8: https://quizlet.


MW AIO Chap 9: https://quizlet.


MW AIO Chap 10: https://quizlet.


MW AIO Chap 11: https://quizlet.


MW AIO Chap 12: https://quizlet.


Major Named Vulnerabilities: https://quizlet.


Boson: https://quizlet.


“Tools”: https://quizlet.


DoS attacks: https://quizlet.


General CEH: https://quizlet.


Workflowy: https://workflowy.



Workflowy (pastebin): https://pastebin.


NMAP Switches: https://quizlet.


CEH Pre-Assesment: https://www.



CEH v9 Questions (create a free account to view all questions): https://www.



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